New Coin/Bar Cypto currencies Marketing & Public Relations ServiceProtect your hard work from Slander, Trolls, Haters and david hasselhoffWho we are? We are a group of marketing specialist who have taken to crypto-currency. Now part of our Marketing team are simple well placed members of Crypto-Currency forums and community’s. Hero Members and moderators spread out throughout the Internet that support crypto -currency and are loyal members of our team. You might ask. What have you worked on in the past? A few of our marketing team have worked on sales and marketing campaigns for Chevrolet ,Cadillac , Hollister Clothing brands , Captain Morgan rum company , Vibram five fingers shoes.
We will be representing your cryto-currencies in the exact same way as we do with the fortune five hundreds company's that we have marketed for.
Is your New crypto-currency having trouble gaining support of crypto community’s?We Can Help!!!
Your crypto currency getting hammered by smear campaigns screaming per-mine and scam-coin?We can help!!! We will overwhelm there attempts to discredit your crypto-currency.
You will see support for your Coin or Bar like never before!!
Need support Websites for your coin and tired of putting out bounty's?We can help!! We include one support website with each purchase of our marketing service!!!
Keep in mined you will never know the Names of our support members and we will never reveal them
They are Hero Member ,Senior Members ,Admin's and Moderators of the most influential crypto community’s .
Our Bounty/FEE just make Us an offer and what you would like us to Market
We can also Market Other crypto related Items like :Mining POOLs
New hardware or Software
Just Ask...
We value our clients privacy and have a non-disclosure agreement that we will NEVER reveal the identity of our client’s . Our record is perfect!!!
We have placed New crypto-currencies on reputable exchanges such as BTC-e and with our overwhelming efforts within less than 36 hours
You must change the way the public views your currency if you ever want it to reach the masses
We Bring your Coins & Bars to the people with grace and SPEED