Την επόμενη ημέρα, την 1η Φεβρουαρίου, θα γίνει παρουσίαση του Bitnation Athens στο Cube:
Before nations, before borders, there was the Supercontinent Pangea. Since then the world has been divided by tectonic schisms, widening oceans and, more recently, stifling politics. Nation states are cracking apart under the weight of local and global challenges that they seem incapable of solving. Rather than embracing a borderless economy and increasing personal freedoms, nation states and multilateral organizations have overseen a resurgence in bureaucracy and protectionism. If we are to prevent a drift towards tyranny, this must come to an end. This autumn, Bitnation intends to reset society by initiating another tectonic shift with the launch of the Pangea Jurisdiction.
The Westphalian construct is outdated, and the arbitrarily drawn lines called borders, which were once supposed to provide stability, are now the direct cause of instability, due to their ‘one size fits all’ design. The nation state model offers little to no personal liberty of choice, in terms of geographical movement, and choice of governance service providers. People are assumed to be content with the same rules and services as everybody around them, simply by the virtue of living in the same geographical area. Yet many people cannot fathom a world without governments, they believe it will descend into chaos — and most people do want various degrees of services governments are supposed to provide.
Thanks to globalization, the world has become increasingly less geographically contingent — through international trade, communications, and cheap transport. People are increasingly connected across borders, which results in desires less defined by their geographical origin, or location. Certain groups of people already live entirely international lifestyles, without much ties to any specific nation. Opt-out options are emerging, but they require geographical relocation, which may not be desirable, nor possible, for everybody. Hence, as an alternative, Bitnation aims to provide peer-to-peer governance through virtual nations.
The Pangea Software is a Decentralized Opt-In Jurisdiction where Citizens can conduct peer-to-peer arbitration and create Nations. Pangea uses the Panthalassa mesh, which is built using Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB) and Interplanetary File System (IPFS) protocols. This enables Pangea to be highly resilient and secure, conferring resistance to emergent threats such as high- performance quantum cryptography. Pangea is blockchain agnostic, but uses the Ethereum blockchain for the time being. In the future, other chains such as Bitcoin, EOS and Tezos can be integrated with Pangea.
In the Pangea Jurisdiction Citizens are able to make peer-to-peer agreements, resolve disputes, and access governance services from DBVNs, using the legal code of their preference. In addition, Pangea provides core infrastructure for other Voluntary Nations. That means Pangea serves as a decentralized jurisdiction on which Voluntary Nations can be created, joined and lived-in.
Erik Vollstädt:
Bitnation Global Lead Ambassador. Born 1993, aspiring entrepreneur and champion of voluntary societies & private property ethics. Proponent of counter-economics and crypto-technologies. Represented Bitnation as Lead Ambassador since 2015 at the Riga Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies Meetup, the iBGEk basic income stage discussion in Klagenfurt (Austria), the Cointelegraph Blockchain Conference in Helsinki, the Zündfunk Netzkongress in Munich, the Barcelona Mobile World Congress 2017 and the Bitnation DevCon in Amsterdam.
The website (
The video (
The white paper (
Pangea-Docs for starters (
https://github.com/Bit-Nation/Pangea-Docs) on GitHub