How exactly is there no escape? You can use ignore features, close your browser, delete social media accounts and if all else fails hold down your power button for 10 seconds. Unlike school yard bullying "cyber bullying" requires active participation of a willing victim.
Suicide is always a tragic event no matter what is going on, but in all cases of suicide there are other things going on with the individual including depression and other mental problems.
For some there is no escape. Once the damage online is done, for some, there is no turning back. They have allowed too much of their lives to be known and it's hard for them to get away from it, even by unplugging themselves. In the Amanda Todd case, a man was arrested for cyber bullying in the Netherlands, The bullying happened in BC Canada. Pack mentality took over and her classmates turned cyber bullying into physical bullying.
Be smart with your information online is your responsibility. It does not excuse physical assaults by individuals, but it is incumbent on everyone to use some common sense in their online activities.
Physical bullying is assault and all ready covered by existing law.
I fully agree with being smart about what is shared online. Unfortunately social media is rather new and some people are unaware of the damage that can be caused. Proper education needs to happen and I think it is really lacking. I think it's something they should start teaching in Schools.