We finally finished our software: Mine-O-Matic.
After months and months of hard and intense labor and renegotiating the launch date we finally did it
and we are proud to present to you :
What is Mine-O-Matic? What does Mine-O-Matic do?
Simply said;
It allows you to mine more then one stations at the same time,
It allows you to monitor your different mining stations.
It allows you to see the yield of your different mining stations.
It allows you to change currency with the click of a button on your different mining stations.
It allows you to change pools with the click of a button on your different mining stations.
It allows you to restart the mining stations when the mining stations stops hashing with the click of a button
Feel free to check out our Website:
www.mineomatic.comContact us with questions @:
[email protected]It will be a pleasure to answer you.
Also, for the first 20 licenses, we will develop one feature of choice;
For example: E-mail alert, E-mail update, E-mail monitoring or automatic trading
or automatic change into BTC
or any other crypto currency (wallet instruction)
or be creative….