It sounds fine with all the positive arguments, but it is sad that there is always only one side of the aspects shown.
What if these pannels get dirty all over the time? You would need an incredible amount of workers to clean them regurlarly. ALL of the roads or grounds ALL over the country. Can you even imagine the amount of workers doing so?
Additionally imagine how long it takes to replace everything with these. The actual amount of roadworks EVERYWHERE.
Don't forget the huge expense in replacing these. One panel gets cracked / stolen / etc... then all of a sudden, they have to replace it, which is a lot more money.
Can't be as bad as a pothole, surely?
Mind, if one was loose then perhaps it could be a problem. I'm sure that all angles will be covered when these are considered, if they haven't been already.
Very exciting tech, but I feel that we should be trying this out to replace tiles on roofs first of all
You're driving one day, and a huge section of the road is missing. I'd say that's much worse than a pothole. (Someone stole the 'road' so they could sell the solar cells for a discount on the blackmarket using a fairly anonymous crypto-currency... what's the name of that one that's worth a lot now, hmm.. I can't remember).
Now that's a different scenario you're talking about. I guess it depends on what they are mounted on. I think that's where most of the cost comes from, in providing the foundations for these panels to be applied.
It's a radical idea, just like Bitcoin, there are going to be suggested problems, sure. But it's up to those with the expertise to find solutions. Theft is an age old problem, though I doubt that these things would sell for much at all, unless you had crazy bulk maybe.
Again, do your research.
Each panel communicates with the ones next to it via a wireless connection. If one is malfunctioning, damaged or stops communicating the whole network is notified. This accomplishes several things, amongst which are three relevant points:
ONE, if a panel needs to be replaced for whatever reason, the road crews are notified. The notification will tell the repair crew EXACTLY WHERE THE PROBLEM PANEL
That leads to number TWO, as soon as the panels are tampered with a notification goes out to the base station. It would take awhile to remove enough panels to be worth the trouble. If stolen, the thieves will, at some point, have to travel along the same roads that are made of the panels. Since the panels communicate EXACTLY WHERE THEY
ARE via a wireless connection, there location will be know, even when they are being transported. How long do you think it would take law enforcement to find the thieves before they even leave the crime scene let alone while they are trying to get away?
And THREE, a nice feature of the panels is that they can notify drivers of road issues ahead (via LED's embedded into the panels,) so a driver would have advanced notice of dangerous road conditions that lay ahead.