1. All participants must join the solarblox official Telegram Group and Channel
2. All participants must join cryptoworld management's Telegram Group.
3. Talking about the bounty in the project chat group will lead to immediate disqualification from the campaign and an instant ban from the company chat group.
Please ask your bounty-related questions in the cryptoworld management Group.
4. KYC is not required for the bounty campaign. However, the project's team has the right to require KYC for suspicious cases.
5. Please note that any offensive or inappropriate behaviour will lead to immediate disqualification from the campaign.
6. Using multiple accounts, cheating and spamming are not allowed.
7. All participants must send the Proof of authentication post to join the bounty program.
Join SolarBlox on social media:-
bounty Group-
bounty ANNBounty campaign reward pool: 100 000 SBX will be distributed through this bounty campaign
Rewards allocation ★Twitter : 60%
★Video: 15%
★article: 15%
★Reserve fund:10%
Report dates ★week1: 29- 05
★week2: 06 - 12
★week3: 13 -19
★week4: 20 - 26
1. Every participant must follow Twitter Page.
2. Twitter accounts must have a minimum of 300 followers.
3. Participants have to make new 5 tweets and retweet 5 tweets and 3 comments per week (maximum 2 retweets/day).
4. Time gap between 2 retweets/tweets needs to be 10 hours.
5. Participants must use hashtag
#cryptosolar #cryptomining #cryptosolarmining #solarmining #cleanmining #fentech
1. If Your 300 followers have : 1 stake/week
2. If Your 301-1500 followers have: 2 stakes/week
3. If your 1501-3000 followers have: 3 stakes/week
4. If Your 3001-5000 followers: 4 stakes/week
5. If more than 5001 followers: 5 stakes/week
Videos need to be a minimum of 2 minutes in length to be eligible. Each participant can send maximum of 4 video only on different platforms [Youtube and Tiktok.
1. Minimum 100 followers can join. And the video must have 200 views for the reward.
2. PC Video will get high reward.
3. FaceCam also will get high reward.
Video contents should focus on the project Introduction, reviews
All videos need to have a link to your Proof of Authentication, About of project's, websites and other social media Links. Removal video will result in disqualification
Only original video content will be accepted. Bot Voice Not allow.
Local Language accepted. But It is better to use English language.
Videos should never be removed
Based on Article Quality, Views, Likes 1-5 stake will be given per article.
⏹️ 4 articles per person allow
Article Rules:
Article accept original - only with at least 500+ words.
- Submit articles on Linkdin Medium, Streemit , Linkedin
Include Project links in your articles.
Note: Copying someone will get banned.
Proof of Authentication Post
Bitcointalk Username:
Bitcointalk Profile Link:
Telegram Username:
Campaign Category Participated:
BSC Wallet address: