Any word on sending out the IOTAs yet?
- it doesn't work for me (at least current version 1.0.2), as well as for many others - as I found out from some slack's
quotas here on russian forum:
Farl4bit [2:08 AM]
Still I have “Attaching to tangle”… @come-from-beyond Abord it?
robeneu [8:56 AM]
I did some transaction replays and attached addresses but transaction has still no confirmations (0%). I will try to do more activity
Achim Heiniger [9:43 AM]
@robeneu: The only thing that helped me to get old transactions from account A to B confirmed was to send all iotas to a new account C, wait for 100%, and then send to B again.
Andrew Lekar [5:55 PM]
I have initiated tx in 1.0.1 and it was not confirmed. Now I upgraded to 1.0.2 and cannot get it confirmed as well I have it stuck for 2-3 days already
Deng Shihao [6:12 PM]
both 2 my bundles (different seeds) from 22.07 and 23.07 are at 0%
marcus [6:22 PM]
I have the same situation. I have 2 bundles and done my tx from 23 july to 30 july. And only 1 tx is 100%
Andrew Lekar [10:03 PM]
@dom: I got only one stuck tx and replay didnt help
so you can replay and replay forever
david c [3:57 PM]
so my tx went through
but it stays at 0% persostence
Roman Latkovic [6:01 PM]
What should I do guys? Subtangle not solid and Getting tips for days. I am unable to make one single transaction Have enough nodes, all are working...
al joe [6:09 PM]
@ dom How's it hanging? all my fake message bundles are confirmed with 100% Your leet iota package is still at 0%. Am doing something wrong here?
Coin Ter [7:08 PM]
I have the same issue like greyghost. "subtangle not solid" since days... 24 / 146809 (2753) with 7 active neighbors...
Al3ks a [7:31 PM]
how long wait for 100%
i wait for hours...
Coin Ling [9:09 PM]
any news on how to get the persistence above 0%? !?
tried to replay like 10 times already and it is definitely not double spend
Roman Latkovic [9:10 PM]
i'll trow a party if I ever manage to send a single transaction
Mickey Wood [10:44 PM]
hmm, I'm still waiting for an incoming transaction from 23/07/2016... how long untill it is 100%? It's 8 days now ?!?
cryptokrill [11:42 PM]
I’ve never seen replay work for me.
_mr_e [1:51 AM] Hi guys, this is a tx to me, that has not confirmed in 8 days
before 1.0.1 it was unreplayable by me
after the new gui, I have been able to replay it, but it hasn't helped
Arno Stachler [9:43 AM] Yes, incoming transactions. Yesterday they were 100%. After restarting the client, they showed 0%. Syncing over night didn't solve the problem. I tried replay, but after 6 hours nothing happend.
Michael M [9:51 AM] some transactions stuck at 0% persistence despite numerous replays.
I have replayed it, then turned on the spammer. I have done this for three days now. No luck.
Jon Comer [10:07 AM] Seems like wallet improvements are slight so far. Guess my escrow buyers will continue to wait
Stas [10:27 AM] did some sends that got 100% persistance, then after some time restarted the client and all of them got to 0% again
Farl4bit [11:57 AM] I am still trying to transfer IOTA, but did not succeeded in it for 2 weeks now.
I replayed it several times, I have good neighbours, I am synced. It just doesn’t seem to happen.
Andrew Lekar [2:25 PM] I saw at least 3 persons who only sent one tx at a time and still got a doublespending
Ian Metten [3:31 PM] ...with the third node I always get "The confirmed subtangle is not solid" error. I deleted db and resynched, selected various subset nodes in config. The node is on 24/7
david c [3:40 PM] my tx is still 0% after a replay... what should i do next?
Deng Shihao [3:47 PM] 2 my bundles are at 0% for a week, after 10th of replays, and after 3 re-sending to another adresses..
Farl4bit [5:25 PM] Two (small test) transactions went fine (both 100%). The third (big) transaction did not go well, after 3 hours still 0%. In the meantime I was spamming a lot with more than 100 transactions generated.
Interested [5:40 PM] why is my subtangle not solid i have 21 160283 and 2913 but it is still not solid
Farl4bit [11:07 PM] Fuck, still no confirmations.
Jon Comer [3:31 AM] Im fully synced and running well but cant confirm 3 hours and going
T Cy [3:36 AM] I have three pending transactions that I'm trying to get my purchased IOTA from ... I wonder how much longer it'll be until everything is running smoothly
mf11 [9:47 PM] Did several replays (followed by spamming) from sender and receiver side. Up to now without success....
robeneu [9:35 PM] So if my computer doesn't generate proof of work in less than 20 minutes, I can give up trying to send any iotas, right?
Not sure how long does it take for me. Address generation can take 45 mins. "Attaching" is shorter than "getting tips". So maybe I am within the limit.
But replays are much longer. 2 hours and more.. I have not a single confirmed transaction after several weeks of trying