OK Gang. Presented for your amusement, an IPython notebook I wrote to calculate some quantities of interest to me (weekly earnings, percent of investment returned to date, etc.) from my participation in Group Buys 1, 2, and 3. I hope it helps you, but you are on your own!
It appears that this forum software does not support attachments to posts. Please find the notebook at
https://bitbucket.org/FrankToil/coinscraper/raw/77afbaac648eecc1c394c6c4e4306d455ef8a1b4/CoinScraper.ipynb ...
Documentation (copied verbatim from the notebook):
This IPython notebook accounts for the BTC mining revenue from the MWNinja Group Buys by screen-scraping the website(s) and then performing auxiliary calculations.
That means that you are free to use it (or ignore it) in any way you see fit, I bear no responsibility whatsoever for it, and if it breaks, you get to keep the pieces.
It is not exactly user friendly, (in other words, it is a total hack, in the "works for me as a programmer" category) but it does get the job done.
To use it, first you need to make sure that you have a Python environment (tested on 2.7) with IPython
http://ipython.org/ to run the notebook in. Place this notebook in its own directory, invoke IPython like so "ipython notebook" and a tab should pop up in your browser saying IPython Dashboard. In that tab should be a single link called "CoinScraper". Click on it, and the notbebook itself will pop up in another tab with this documentation in the first "cell".
To actually run the code, you also need three libraries installed: BeautifulSoup4
http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/ (tested on whatever "pip install" pulled about a week back...); requests
http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/ (ditto for "pip install"); and numpy
You will need to modify several things in the next cell (Use The Source, Luke!) to account for how many shares you bought, what price you paid, which groups you participated in, etc.
Once all of that has been setup properly for your specific situation, you run the next cell to initialize the code, then run the following cells in order to scrape the info from MWNinja's websites. (To run a cell, you type "Shift Return" which is an IPython-ism.) You must make sure that the URLS in the scraping cells match the appropriate group buys.
The last executable cell performs the calculations of interest to me personally. (Those calculations do not account for the cases where some shares were pro-rated, like in GB#1, and GB#2. But for my purposes they are "good enough".) Feel free to modify to suit your own requirements!