I think people were able to get 12 gh/s off of them quite easily plus they've been released for some time compared to the pre order. You do make some sense though as its fair to want to get more than 90 day investment. Best of luck.
Aye, those blade units are very nice. Thanks for your input.
Yea, from a sales perspective, the old thinking for earnings calculations was 9-10 months. In this fast paced, ASIC driven hashing environment it is prudent to bring those calculations down closer to the 90 day range. And following that, of course it makes sense to utilize hardware versus selling it if one cannot sell it for atleast 90 days of earnings. This time basis for cost averaging may even come down tighter as difficulty increases and I will continue to readjust with it as all interested parties in the mining sector should.
I'm in no bind financially or outside of my desire to continue mining to want to let them go for too little. Though I am not at all close minded to the benefit of receiving the earnings up front in exchange for having the liquid assets to use in other ways now versus waiting for the earnings. I stay pretty busy when it comes to calculating and recalculating the best use of my time and assets.
Yep I paid about $410 for these 10 months ago. I believe it costs me ~137BTC at the time.
Now I intend to operate them and generally calculate my numbers using a 90-120 day scale.
If I cannot get 90 days earnings for these in cash (BTC preferably) then it is not worth selling. This pricing formula is more than fair and is in-line and in many cases lower than buying any other mining gear right now.
Optionally, one could buy their own Jale now and maybe receive it in 10 months when they make 1/4 per day what they will for the next few months.
You're in a pickle, I would say no one would pay 24BTC and you spent 137 BTC. Whoever is buying at 24 BTC will have at least 4 months for an ROI and that is if the difficulty doesn't spike up like crazy. If you mine yourself you will never get the 137 back with those not even in a year or two of mining as they will be obsolete in a year.
I would just mine with them and try to shorten my losses, but who knows, there's always someone that wants to buy something at those prices... you can only hope!
HEHE, no pickle here, m8. =) I did and maintain still today that it was better to hold bitcoins in pocket than it was to buy hardware (especially preorder hardware) with them. This was an opportunity that I grabbed because I could and had the spare coins laying about outside of other investments at the time. I stated that I used about 137BTC just for full disclosure of the circumstances at the time and to add to the convo, as it were. As such, I was not and am not under any false assumptions that this hardware would ever return xn BTC, due to the long lead times involved.
Yep, @ 24BTC per unit it would take ~106 days at current difficulty to pay off. No one with any sense is missing that ball, as I would like to think myself and anyone else who spends money on mining spends an equal amount of energy constantly recalculating costs/earnings/time.
That said, there are no losses to shorten and only opportunities to gain. Gain by mining and utilizing the earnings intelligently as they are made or gain by short selling and utilizing the earnings intelligently now.
Thanks for your inputs, friend.