I haven't inferred coblee, that would be 'implied', only others can infer from my written words.
Fine. English is not my first language. Are you really going to attack my English?
The algorithm is better because it brings equality to both CPU and GPU. Both are equally (close enough) efficient to mine SolidCoins, in essence we can take both GPU and CPU and neither loses the efficiency battle. If Bitcoin does collapse like many have predicted then some other p2p coin needs to take on the existing hardware infrastructure combined with making the "average joe" able to mine. That is where SolidCoin fits into the puzzle, offering the solution to all the existing mining problems and security issues of bitcoin.
Well, I don't believe Bitcoin will collapse. And Litecoin will do well alongside Bitcoin. SolidCoin being equally GPU-friendly doesn't really make it a better algorithm in my opinion.
It's fine that you believe in bitcoin technology, but I'm not really sure of the point of litecoin then, it's just an experiment to help Bitcoin? Doesn't really seem like something which will stick around a long time if that's the case. As an advanced and experienced programmmer I've looked at bitcoin technology and realized it needed a significant change if big business and average joe is to adopt a currency of this type. I raised these questions with some bitcoin developers initially prior to starting SolidCoin. Of course on a Bitcoin forum the people here will believe Bitcoin is good enough, so there isn't much I can say to those people who have that faith. It's my opinion it isn't good enough, with SolidCoin now secure from the threats that Bitcoin isn't we can go to businesses and finally sell them a solution they may now consider taking.
Any altchain that is tied to the Bitcoin technology is in essence saying "Bitcoin is the real thing, don't take any notice of me". I'm not really sure why we need Litecoin when Bitcoin already offers what it has for the most part. You can say you're offering CPU mining or faster transactions, which is fine, but when you're just as vulnerable to the same threats I can't really see the difference.
But you are just exchanging Bitcoin threats for new threats. I don't see how that's better. I guess time will tell.
I also don't really understand why these new chains are starting up with non developers leading them. One of the biggest reasons SolidCoin has achieved the success it has is because I'm working for free on it when normally I would be paid $150+/hour. People with my experience rarely work for free on projects, I'm doing it simply because I want a solution to this global banking bullshit we've all had to put up with for the last 100 years. I like the enthusiasm people like yourself put into projects but without the skills and experience I can't really see them going anywhere.
Hmm, let's see. $150+/hr means you earn >$312,000 a year. Damn, where can I find a job that pays me that much?! And please stop spreading FUD again when you don't know any better. I work for one of top 5 biggest tech companies as a software engineer for 10+ years making $180k a year. I don't know anyone that would call me a "non developer" or someone "without skills and experience." I'm also working on this for free, but you know you, on the other hand, are not working on this for free. If SolidCoin becomes big, you will make a lot of money since you pretty much have absolute control of SolidCoin. Even if you don't directly pilfer from the CPF, you can still make a lot of money taking advantage of your position.
You may be "an advanced and experience programmer", but you really fail big time at PR. Like I've said before, your arrogant attitude is going to be the downfall of your project.
One of the feature of Litecoin is that it has a lead developer that:
- is not arrogant and works with and listens to advice from the community.
- does not ban people on IRC/forum when they disagree with me. (don't believe me? come and chat at #litecoin. that's the only place we can chat since i'm banned on #solidcoin for asking too many hard questions about SC1.0)
- believes in open source where others can help me spot bugs since no one (including an advanced and experience programmer like yourself) writes bug-free code.
I believe there's something you can learn there.