
Topic: solved (Read 13546 times)

Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 08, 2019, 06:03:37 PM
How cleaver from TitanBTC side !
I guess they realized their mistake but still don't want to admit it there is security issues with their service and now again they are trying to wash their hands.
They offered me the 1btc they own me but for something else, not as refund for what is mine....
After contacting TitanBTC thru pm about solving the issue without the noise around you will see in the pictures what were the answer.
TitanBTC did offer me 1btc but not as refund for what is mine and accepting their mistake, but if I confirm I am a scammer and everything lie and there is no hole in their security.
TitanBTC offered me to put 1btc in escrow so he could not scam me to clean their name and their security issue by saying I am scammer instead of paying me the refund for their mistake...
This itself clearly enough prove they know I am right and they are wrong.
You will ask why.
The reason is obvious.
They realized the security problem and do not want to make it more public and with me saying this is lie and scam, they can wash their hands there is no security issues and that was just a smart plan from someone and that kind of security issue do not exist.
Offering me money to shut my mouth and confirm there is no security issues.
Even the sweet talk continue with offer for a job If I confirm that were a lie Cheesy:D:D
TitanBTC is also smart trying to clean his name with sweet talks but he realized my point is not to earn 1btc from them but to receive 1btc for what they own me.
I had the opportunity to have 1 bitcoin by saying I am scammer and this is not true, and there is no TitanBTC security issue but that would be a lie.
I didn't accepted that offer and want only what is mine, the 1bitcoin value inside the coin which is mine.
Even after realizing there is security issue with them, they even reject the fact that someone just pass thru their security by providing out dated information and every single new owner of 2FA coins could be scammed by the same security hole.
They saying their security as it should be... Really ? Then how someone gain access to coin without having the full verification process required from their website to unload the coin ? ( ).
The person who tricked them didn't had the required security requirements for coin owner to complete them and unload it and still he did it.
Offering money to someone saying everything said so far is scam, there is no security issue and everything is lie instead of just paying what they own me ?
In matter of fact people will see that it was better idea to refund my value of the coin which is mine instead of offering me just the same money to clean their name with lies about this thread and saying it is scam and there is no security issue.
It would be better for them paying me for that cleaning their name instead of admitting their mistake and security issues for sure, but that's not how company like that should take the problems inside it.
You know why he offered me that money to clean their names, you guys are not stupid...
Use your own head.
Take a look at the pm's:

I don't know what to say more...
TitanBTC have few more hours to take the right decision and pay what's mine.
Otherwise they are scamming me and this is going thru all over internet, every single website or forum that people using bitcoins including reddit.
Sadly instead of accepting their mistake and refund me, they go so far to offer me money for saying I am scammer and there is no security issue with their coin and stuff like that...
I can't believe it.... Same as they don't want to believe the truth.

They still have change to not being a scammers and return me my bitcoin which should be to this address    ---- 1KHEvjUfYkH4LoayqZQsNNFY9FH3z6BuEx
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 07, 2019, 06:23:12 PM
suchmoon I don't know what you consider as proof, define it?
because so far I provided that I am the only and valid up to date owner of the coin which is the only thing matters here.
That's not little proofs but all the proofs needed.
This is not case against the person who sold me the coin, but against the very original owner of it TitanBTC.
The response of TitanBTC "go to the police" should be for himself because he is the one scammed by this guy not me.
I am about to be scammed from TitanBTC that's why the topic is correct.

teeGUMES obviously because the coin was overloaded with 2BTC was the obvious reason for the guy to scam them. but even after scamming just one bitcoin, that's enough for him taking money from me and 1 bitcoin from TitanBTC which is again 2btc so in both cases he win double.
I cannot phish, I don't know how, even if I could, all sensitive infos that I own cannot be phished.
Even if I phished him (that's your claim not mine) I would not have any kind of pictures/ALL valid proof infos and many things to verify myself as owner of the coin.
Your claims make no sense and have nothing to do with the real world.
I cannot socially engineer anyone not only because I can't but because I don't know how to do it.
Yes I am not dumb person but seems like I am not smart like the previous coin owner.
This whole scheme is going thru the coin seller plan I guess after he realized the coin is double funded ( which for me is the main reason) and well planed.
I already explain how I think he did the telegram thing and so, but I can't be sure for 100%. (but seems logical to me).
I can' consider luckily someone who scam something that's already sold using out dated infos, and consider you protect TitanBTC you are either one of his workers or you get paid for that.
There is no other explanation otherwise you will follow the simple logic and realize the situation.
I am not going to get the fuck off  "not your forum" because scams like this including 2FA security break should be public and victims will become more and more.
If previous owner of coin is able to regain access after he selling it, then TitanBTC is already dead project and many people will see that no matter how you trying to protect him.
Your theorems and hypothesis doesn't make the divination true, they are still theorems and hypothesis and both words not belong to the word "truth" without being proven.
I am sure you are huge fan of 2FA titan coins from now on and you will use the very same way to scam someone just like this guy.
Im not saying you are scammer, but hey? There is good chance after seeing this right?
All of you guys should take this as serious problem with TitanBTC 2FA coins and the whole security.

And sadly for you, your theorems and hypothesis are far away from the truth which I already explain.

As I already said, everything was already said and all the statements and proofs of which is the original coin owner were proven and shown.
Also it was shown how an old owner of coin after selling it can still gain access with it with out dated information about his purchase.
This prove enough how "secure" TitanBTC 2FA coin is and how can new buyers be scammed.
Also TitanBTC claim's that he is the only one who have access to those coins, so he confirming my words and minerjones words that  " not your private key, not your bitcoin" which clearly proves that TitanBTC 2FA coins are nothing but cheap way to take your money, because actually you own nothing after paying 1bitcoin for it.

Suing TitanBTC and taking the process going to America and all those hassle will cost me much more than 1btc worth of money, so I prefer if he don't refund me in 24 hours to spread everything over internet, if I save at least 1 guy from being scammed from TitanBTC scam artist company, I would feel better.
Now everyone know what people are behind TitanBTC and what actually costs 2FA coins.
I am pretty sure people are not dumb and will realize what is going on here and how their security were bypassed and how they washing hands with stories.
You got head in your arms guy, learn from those who lost and never trust people who selling you something claiming to be funded but actually there is nothing on it, and you depends on them how and when or will you gain access to your own coin.
This thread were also screenshotted to be provided to different forums and websites as proof how TitanBTC operate their business and how they scam people.
Even if someone removes it, I have every single post, proof of ownership of the coin, and pm from TitanBTC.
Take care!
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 07, 2019, 05:07:30 PM
There is crime against TitanBTC not against me so far.
If TitanBTC refuse to provide me what is mine, then it will be crime against me.
I do not avoiding questions, I provide the very valid information about the case?
I don't understand what your guys claims here are ?

teeGUMES asked you about the e-mails that initiated the trade. I asked you for the date of the trade. You're ignoring these simple questions and others, and you're continuing to spam massive walls of text for no reason that I can see. It's quite simple really - if you want anything from this forum then accept when forum members try to help you, otherwise go to the police. What other options do you see here?
part of email verifying me as owner of the coin were shown.
im not sure how come you saying my proofs and statements as massive walls of spam.
I don't see also how can a members of this forum would help me ?
The only reason I open this thread is to make public my problem so TitanBTC could understand this is not something which will be underground and people won't know about.
This security issue is problem for all 2FA coins holders and will be problem for all future 2FA coins buyers.
Also this thread is to request what is mine from TitanBTC public, and also to provide public wallet so everyone can see TitanBTC is doing the right thing.
This is not only a scam report but a warning to everyone.
Consider scams are not moderated here from what I read, what kind of help you are talking about ? Pray for me or just tell me how stupid I was trusting a coin without private key ? I know how stupid I am but I also know company's like this one should take care of their customers and fix the problems they made to their own customers.
When the trade were done is something I may share with TitanBTC if he want to start case against the person who scammed him. But I don't think it is smart idea to share any kind of really sensitive information about this if TitanBTC needs to search his rights.
All I want from this forum is to expose a 2FA coin issue, TitanBTC issue and give publicity to the problem and allow TitanBTC to fix his problem so everyone around can see that's an issue which the company can handle, can understand and can take their responsibility for their own security problems.
This forum cannot help me at all with anything, but you guys can help yourself with the proofs provided about the problem and the 2FA coins itself.
No one else than the person who holds the access to my coin cannot help me.
I do accept your help, but none of you cannot force TitanBTC to anything. Actually no one can force anyone.
If you calling my proofs, my statements and my explanations a massive wall of spam, then you can help me with nothing here.
Sadly also if you didn't call it like that you still can't help me.
Don't get me wrong, I wish you had that opportunity but only one person does.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 07, 2019, 04:38:57 PM
No its not like that. The only important thing from that coin is the sensitive information not the physical metal coin itself.
I didn't dodge any questions but provided everything requested.
I have full control of the coin infos which is the only thing which person needs to claim his coin.
Nothing else than all the sensitive infos matters.

If a crime occurred then every little detail matters. If you're not comfortable sharing the details on the forum then you should do what TitanBTC suggested and file a police report. It's useless to post walls of text repeating the same thing over and over while avoiding questions.
There is crime against TitanBTC not against me so far.
If TitanBTC refuse to provide me what is mine, then it will be crime against me.
I do not avoiding questions, I provide the very valid information about the case?
I don't understand what your guys claims here are ?
So far the seller who sold me the coin provided me the very right and full information about the coin which I can use to unload it.
TitanBTC refuses to provide me the coin because someone scammed him.
Which is not my business or my problem at all.
If TitanBTC wants to open report against the person who scammed him, he have the full right to.
I am here to request what is mine, and if TitanBTC refuses to provide it then he is scamming me.
I provided every single piece information I know and I can provide also the coin sensitive info to verify myself as the up to date original owner.
You guys repeating questions that already had answers, I  do repeat the answers.
If that's how the scam reports going around here, I am little bit tired repeating myself but alright, I will do it.
So far the only thing I refused is to provide screenshots of tickets where and how I travel which even if I keep, that have nothing to do with my case and won' help my case but TitanBTC case somehow ( I don't know how but I guess he does).
My only claim here is that TitanBTC refusing or delaying providing me access to what is mine based on security problems and scams which have nothing to do with me.
Also all of you smartly ignore the fact that there is security whole in their 2FA tokens and kindly everyone dodge that problem.
Are you guys here to protect him or what ?
All the facts and proofs are in this thread.
The facts are I don't have access to my coin and I am the original owner.
I verified the email verified I have position of all the sensitive info and everything.
So I am verified up to date owner of my coin which TitanBTC holding and not releasing.
I do not care about his issues, problems or gods know what more about how someone tricked him, that's his own problem, I am here for my problem.

If TitanBTC needs my help to open crime investigation against the person who scammed him, then after refunding what is mine, he could ask me like a normal person for my help and everything I am willing to provide.
But before fixing my problem, how naïve you should be asking the person you are about to scam for help?
Is this some kind of joke I don't understand or we live in different worlds ?
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 07, 2019, 03:39:23 PM
You dodge too many important questions for me to want to continue helping here.. im out.

Its like you bought a key for a Lamborghini, meet up with a guy and he goes.. "yea heres the key its over there in the parking garage" .. "alright man seeya later thanks for the 250k." Then you walk down into the parking garage and your key opens up a Honda Civic.

No its not like that. The only important thing from that coin is the sensitive information not the physical metal coin itself.
I didn't dodge any questions but provided everything requested.
I have full control of the coin infos which is the only thing which person needs to claim his coin.
Nothing else than all the sensitive infos matters.

Having the physical coin without those infos are useless like keys for lambo without it.
Having the full sensitive infos is having everything.
If the seller wanted to scam me, he  could provide me the coin itself with the holo and everything but without the coin password and email.
I was not his victim for sure and that's obvious.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 07, 2019, 03:20:42 PM
The original owner of this coin does not speak of selling his coin, only redemption of it. But Picho has pictures of it peeled and 2fa code showing. Why would pictures like this even exist unless scam attempt.

Edit: Can you show an email with intent to sell Picho? Without any invasive or private information showing.
Ofc he had plan to scam, this is the most insane scam I ever seen buddy believe me!
This guy had plan and a smart plan followed step by step.
This guy is absolutely genius !
Thanks god he didn't scam me, but sadly TitanBTC trying to wash their hands with me for their loss.

P.S: It is sad to see that TitanBTC don't even realize what is going on ---
He still blaming me for his own loss...
He can't realize I were not scammed by this guy but they.
But if they refuse access to my coin, then they are scamming me...
It is sad to realize you were tricked TitanBTC, and I am sorry for your loss, but that's not my fault and nothing I can do about it.
All I want is what is mine, and the 48 hours is ticking away.
Take your responsibility for not being cautious and not follow your own security rules.
Refund me what is mine.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 07, 2019, 03:07:21 PM
pickachu, I just want to make sure I have this correctly.

1)  You met in person to buy a loaded Titan 1.0 btc 2fa coin.

2) You paid the seller cash in person for the Titan coin.

3)  You left that meeting without the coin.

Are the above 3 steps correct and if so, why is #3 possible?

1) correct
2) correct
3) I am not experienced coin buyer and everything I wanted to know and be sure of is what everyone wants to - not being able to be scammed.
After securing the coin infos such as coin email and password which is strictly requested to unload the coin, based on titanbtc website sweep coin requirements, it is impossible for the previous owner to gain access to the coin without having the coin email or password.
After changing the sensitive infos which only I know and the previous owner cannot use to gain access to it, and I were the only one having all the sensitive infos required from titanbtc that makes me feel safe.
I've been told 1001 excuses about the physical coin itself why it can be given to me instantly, that I will receive it later, that it doesn't really matter consider I have all the full sensitive infos about the coin and that's just piece of metal and only the sensitive infos matters.
That makes sense because after seeing titanbtc website, only those sensitive infos were required to unload the coin which I had and the previous owner didn't had.
I said well consider he can't steal the value of the coin, it is not a big deal for me to wait him find that physical coin and just send it to me.
Everything was perfect and it is still perfect because the only thing I didn't receive from the seller was the physical coin.
I had and still have full access to all the sensitive infos required from original owner to unload the coin.
The problem is that the old owner used the previous infos and setup story to fool TitanBTC team that his coin infos were stolen by impersonator of their team by following smart but simply steps to do his plan.
By that way they scammed TitanBTC which in other place blame me for their security hole.
So far the seller of the coin is not scammer to me because he didn't scam me, he provided me everything and I am still the current up to date original owner of the coin because I am the only who have all the sensitive infos.
The only scammer so far for me is TitanBTC because they don't let me access my coin because they were scammed with that strategy from that guy, and now they trying to wash their hands with that story to delay or refuse releasing my coin.
Their problems are not my problems.
Their mistakes are not my mistakes.

P.S: I were not scammed from the guy who sold me the coin because he provided me a valid infos about the coin and I changed them to my position and only I know them.
Sadly the same guy used old infos to scam TitanBTC out of 1bitcoin from the coin he sold me, which is not my problem and not in my control.
I can't prevent or do anything against that, I am not part of TitanBTC team, I do not have access or rights to provide anything from their service and let this guy or not letting him scamming them.
The only one who can scam me now is TitanBTC if he refuse to provide me access to what's mine.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 07, 2019, 02:54:26 PM
teeGUMENS, I am not sure why I should provide anything else than a valid up to date proof of ownership of the 2FA coin value ?
I have all of it.
That's the case here. I can verify myself as the absolute up to date owner, and you, me and everyone around respect his own anonymous and is not forced to provide or do anything else than valid proof of his claim for ownership (correct me if I am wrong).
It will be absolutely joke for someone wants me to provide anything like that... Where I go, what I do and so..
I am not a bitcoin collector, actually that was my first coin purchase and it will be my last one.
People learn from their mistakes, and for me, this is mistake I will never repeat again.
But I don't understand why company trying to wash their hands for their security problems and trying to blame me for they being scammed and forcing me or requesting me anything ?
And once again believe me this guy have plan for this scam from long time, it is just brilliant !
Cash payment = cannot be tracked.
Opening thread here seeking for help = what a smart move.
Contacting TitanBTC claiming impersonator attacking him and gained access to the coin = BRILLIANT !!!!
Using two telegrams to create conversation which can be used as proof, also the thread he open here and everything matching this fake story = Genius

But taking control of coin without having the required valid up to date proofs of ownership and manipulating team of coins creators with all the said above is for Hollywood.
We all know that's TitanBTC mistake, me, you, titanbtc also.
As it should be - if you cannot provide valid up to date valid proof of ownership, no matter what story you pull from the hat, you are not the original owner because you cannot prove it.
And they let to be scammed just like that without coin email and coin password which they strictly require.
I also provided another link with 2FA coin problem from another person on this forum.
They have been scammed for 1bitcoin not me.
Will I be scammed for 1 bitcoin from TitanBTC if they don't let me unload the coin I have, depends on them.
So far I am not scammed because I give them 48 hours. If after those 48 hours they don't give me access to my 1bitcoin then they scammed me and I will be scammed  just like they was.
They can start any investigation against anyone they wish.
This guy scammed them for 1btc, and now I am being scammed from them because they trying to wash their hands with that story.
For all future 2FA coins buyers, please make sure you read this before everything. It may save your ass !!
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 07, 2019, 02:24:16 PM
But that's not something that TitanBTC require to unload your coin ?
And the previous owner do not have access to the hologram?
Thanks for your concern but your statements are not right.
Take a look at titanbtc website what is required for 2FA coin to be unloaded.
I am trying to explain from 2days that actually the old owner could provide only outdated infos and not a single actual one than the coin id and coin 2fa code.
And that's far away from enough for you to prove you are the original owner, because if that was enough, this other case won't exist -----

I could be wrong here, but I believe you need the coin id / password / whatever the code is underneath the hologram correct?
Please correct me if I am wrong, I have been trying to find this information from someone that has successfully redeemed one of these coins themselves.
You need: CoinID/CoinPass/Coin Email/Coin 2FA.

The previous owner can provide only coin id and coin 2fa, but not coin pass and coin email because he don't have access to them.
He cannot provide also up to date picture of the hologram because it was destroyed for my own security as new owner so he could not use it in future for fraud.
Sadly, that didn't help the case and he bypass the security even when he don't have all the sensitive infos.
He had 2/5 of what is required coin to be unloaded

I am tired to repeat... Everything the old owner has was old infos and old proofs of purchase. Not a single actual valid up to date proof. Only coin id and coin 2fa, which is far away from enough to unload a 2FA coin.
And TitanBTC already admit that owners of 2FA coins are not the absolute owners of their coins which brings me to really bad scenario which could happen in future...
I wanted to lock this thread and give 48 hours to TitanBTC to give me refund because he is not in position to hold something that's not his, and he's not in position to request anything else from me than the coin sensitive infos to verify me as up to date owner so he could refund me.
He continues to washing hands and closing his eyes that I am scammed by them not by that person.
I had everything needed to unload the coin from that person and it is secured.
They made the scam by letting him unload the coin.
They are responsible and they have been scammed from him not me.
If TitanBTC do not refund me the coin I am scammed from them not from that person.
That person provide me everything I needed and I have everything needed to unload my coin.
Its just TitanBTC were scammed by smart scam artist and now trying to wash his hands with me, trying to force me to help him with their own security problems and their own problem for being scammed by someone.
I don't understand with what mind this guy actually request or force me doing anything ?
 I am here just to receive what is mine as proven up to date owner.
Everything else is bullshit and useless spam.
Only the person with full sensitive information is the original owner and not someone else claiming anything.
Any other previous owner can claim anything they want to, but if they don't provide and verify valid proof of ownership up to date with all the infos required, he is no longer the actual owner of the coin obviously.
If they decided to trust him that's their problem, if they let him scammed them 1 bitcoin that's their problem.
All I want is what is mine and nothing more or less.
They are free to do whatever investigations they want against the person who scammed them, because that person didn't go thru their security process and they know it. They didn't follow their own security rules. That cannot be my problem, that cannot put me on any holds or request from their side.
They were scammed by that person, and they are trying to wash their hands with that to not pay me because they let him in thru something that not belong to him anymore.
TitanBTC have 48 hours to refund me what is mine to the public address I posted here.
If they refuse or continue to spam excuses, requests or force me doing anything, it clearly proves my statements.
This is scam thread against TitanBTC because they hold my btc not the guy who sold it to me.
Understand it please!
My coin infos are still with me, waiting to unload what is mine.
Their problems is their problems, not mine, but for sure it will become problems for most  2FA buyers in future.
I cannot be requested or forced to anything from the person who is scamming me with ignorance ( TitanBTC ).
They are not stupid, they know what I mean and they know I am right.
This guy found hole in their security, that's their problem.
This guy unload coin that not belong to him with their help, that's their problem.
My only problem here is to receive what is mine, 1btc.
48 hours.
What will happen after those 48 hours ?
Weill I will make this security leak and scam public to everywhere I can over the internet and show every single 2FA TitanBTC owner what they actually own.
A coin that not belong to them, a coin that is not secured, a team who trying to wash their hands for being scammed by scam artist with person who only seeking what's his, a coin that have no place in bitcoin world. Not having privatekey = not your coin. It will prove they selling you actually nothing, because you own nothing.
I will learn a 1btc lesson that company's as TitanBTC should never be trusted, and they will learn how washing your hands with someone else for your mistakes and not being reliable with your coin holders will bring them much more loss than me.
Their mistakes is their own mistakes, not ours!
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 07, 2019, 02:14:04 PM
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 07, 2019, 01:50:45 PM
This is scam against TitanBTC for something he should not have access to.
The problem is you are not owner of what is yours - the value inside the coin.
That's the problem.
TitanBTC should take the responsibility for their own security leaks and mistakes not me. I didn't do any mistake than buying something, and secure it.
And yes It is secured, because the previous owner have no clue what the coin email or password is.
The only person who can help the scammer to get in the "train" and steal is their own team and no one else.
That's problem with 2FA coins and believe me based on this case, there will be more cases like this in future if old owners can manipulate their team with old infos, fake stories.
It is simple and it always being simple.
If you don't have the full information about your coin then its not your coin.
No matter who say what because scammers going more and more smart from what I see.
TitanBTC simple didn't follow their own redeem guide and security.
And I am waiting for what's mine. a single bitcoin.

If I don't receive what is mine, 1bitcoin, then TitanBTC simply prove what many people claim.
That you are not owner of your funds using TitanBTC.
Owning 2FA coin is more dangerous than keeping your wallet directly in thru your computer for daily use.
This will prove also TitanBTC do not count their customers for nothing, and their security and words also means nothing.
If they don't want to refund me what is mine, and serve each customer as it should be, as current and up to date original owner of his own coin, they should never be trusted again with any coin sales.
Lets see will TitanBTC realize his mistake, accept it, fix it and move on fixing their security issues.
If he keeps ignoring me and my requests and the facts he just prove my words and the problems for their security which is obvious.
Sadly I am 100% sure there will be more cases like this in future about those 2FA coins if previous owners can reclaim access to them.
There is nothing more needs to be said here, everything was shown, everything was explained.
Waiting to see that TitanBTC will do and will he refund me.
He know I am the current up to date original owner of it because I already send them message via their website with contact details just the same as the coin is registered to. Also the attempt unloading the coin from my side shows that I know my coin password also.
But if he need that infos again to verify me as the current up to date owner of my coin, I will gladly provide them to him via private message.

Also make sure everyone you read what TitanBTC said: "Ultimately, with these particular coins, Titan Mint is the arbiter of ownership."
If you own 2FA TitanBTC coin, you are not the real owner of it, make sure to understand it and realize it.
Move what's yours from what's not yours to place which is truly secured before it is to late.

Also "If you're in agreement with this process, then please confirm here that you will be working with us (Titan Mint) directly to resolve this issue.  No further discussion will be entertained with you in this forum until you've agreed to involve law enforcement.  If you've honestly been defrauded, then reporting that theft to the police and putting them in touch with us is the next step.If you're in agreement with this process, then please confirm here that you will be working with us (Titan Mint) directly to resolve this issue.  No further discussion will be entertained with you in this forum until you've agreed to involve law enforcement.  If you've honestly been defrauded, then reporting that theft to the police and putting them in touch with us is the next step."

The actual scammer here is you, because my coin is stuck in your system not in the scammer system.
He scammed you and not me. Because you are the only one who have real access to the value inside it and not me.
Owners of 2FA coins are not able to unload his coin anytime they wish or want to, they need your permission and so.
You have been defrauded and the report to police is your full right.
If you wish me to help you with information that I have, feel free to read my posts, everything I know is public, but I can repeat to you.
I have nothing to do with you except taking what is mine which you hold without my will or permission.
You were scammed, that follow me to being scammed by you because if you didn't help that person, he would not be able to scam you, and you wont be able to trying to wash your hands with me.
He scammed from your system not from me. I have my infos to verify my ownership.
There won't be any other discussion with you because all the statements and proofs can be found above and also the address you should refund me the coin.
Refusing doing that will only prove my words, your words about 2FA coins owners actually owns nothing, also your security issues and that people should never ever consider you as secure cold storage or reliable coin seller.
You will never see case like this for "Casascius" coins.
My negotiations with you is over, after refunding what is mine, feel free to let me know via pm, or request the coin infos via pm.
Not interested to read also spams in my thread that's why it will be locked and just bumped every 24 hours so everyone can see how this company works if my problem don't get fixed.
Nothing more needs to be added or cleared.
If someone think different feel free to pm me.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 07, 2019, 01:43:11 PM
Now tell me guys from your viewpoint because we may have different one.
Lets pretend that you own 2FA coin and you are second owner.
Will you feel responsible after securing the coin that someone get in thru the TitanBTC security ?
Will someone can force you to wait, force you to hold or force you anything that prevent you from owning your funds from the coin you purchased?
Who is the guilty ? The team which didin't follow their own security ways to unload the coin no matter they were manipulated with stories and old dated "proofs" that are not longer valid ? You as holder or they as people who offer you security for your money/coins?
What fault have the second owner of the 2FA coin about they bypassing their own rules and letting previous owner with old infos to unload something that's not belong to him anymore ?

How can someone force you to co-operate in any investigation except the local police ?
Yes I will help him with information because I have nothing to hide and I am not the person who should be afraid of investigation, but that doesn't mean I should be forced or accept anything he telling me right?
As current original owner of my coin all I want is access to it and nothing more.
I want access to what is mine. If they provided someone else access to what is mine, they should refund what is mine because that's not my mistake. The scammer didn't break thru my security, he breat thru their own security.
Don't get me wrong, I am totally fine with investigation and if TitanBTC needs my help he will receive it.
But not before I own what is mine. Why ? Just because it is mine. Nothing more nothing less.

It is not a redflag to buy something that you have secured.
Something that the owner don't have access to.
A  circle metal piece don't give you any special access but only the sensitive information from i
All the sensitive information belongs to me, and no one else have access to the coin email and password.
This metal circle of metal cannot provide me more or less security than I had and than I have.
Their 2FA coins are secured not only by 2FA but also coin email and password which they strictly require for unload.
They are there for reason right?

What evidence ? Do you read that the  previous owner cannot complete the security checks to verify his up to date ownership ?
I am the only one who can.
They redeem requirement requires them, only I have them.
That's the only valid security this coin provide you except the 2FA.
I don't need police, I don't need lawyers, TitanBTC needs, he were scammed out of something which not belong to him.
He gave access to something which is not his without requesting the up to date infos.
Why you ignoring the fact that the smart scammer just bypass their security with setup no proof based story and with old infos ?
Why I should need police consider I can verify my ownership and that I own 1bitcoin ?
TitanBTC is responsible for his coin security, if there is something wrong with them, he needs to fix it not me ?
He let the scammer took the bitcoin not me ?
Why I should search anything else than the one who owns what's mine? I don't understand your viewpoint ?
There is guide how you should unload your coin ( ) and the scammer could not finish it because he don't have email and password.
Simple as that.
If someone of titanbtc let them in, how that could be my problem ?
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 07, 2019, 01:21:19 PM
Pichotklasa please provide picture of physical coin with peeled hologram. Thanks.

Also deep down this feels like a scam that involves two people that know eachother and think they can exploit Titan Mint 2fa coins. (honestly i hate the idea of a 2fa coin)
I don't own the physical coin as I previously stated on both thread this and other, but as I said, the original previous owner provided them to me as proof what I am buying so I can use only them to provide you that information.
The sensitive infos I have about it can be provided to TitanBTC if he wish.
I do not own the physical coin because all I received was excuses and promises from the original owner about receiving it.
Accepting to buying it after I realized 2FA coin can be secured with changing password and coin email, so the previous owner cant have access to it anymore.

*That's not exploit, they just bypassed the security with old infos of ownership that's all.
TitanBTC itself didn't requested up to date coin password and email thinking that the old owner actually was really attacked by impersonator (which was the first owner with second telegram). And that's how he manipulated their team to accept unloading the coin without asking the required things for that as it should be.
TitanBTC believe the story the first owner provided and pet them in.
It is totally TitanBTC fault.
But they should know coins change hands and they should never provide anything to person who can't provide valid proof of ownership no matter what setup story they provide.
Every single smart scammer can setup the same story.
Open a thread claiming a problem, contacting them, creating second telegram pretending to be attacked by impersonator and force TitanBTC for help before the "attacker" take everything from him.
Once again I will repeat my self that's a scam with plan and plan which was made not day or hour ago.
People can't think or do complicated stuff like that for hours, it needs plan, it needs prepare because it is complicated but simple also.
Also I will help TitanBTC with any info I can but I am not forced to, I will do it with free will.
I also do not accept TitanBTC to hold something that's not belong to him and something that was already paid for him and he have no rights to hold or do anything that prevent the owner to own it. Which means I would like to receive my bitcoin now.
I can't be forced to wait his investigations which can take from 1 day to 1 year also I am not forced to be put on hold because of their security problems and because some smart guy found a way to scam their system.
All I can do is to help with w hat I can and I will.
But obviously I want what is mine in first place, and I will verify the proof of ownership of the coin, with full coin details if he request for the process.
No one can hold or force you anything especially for your things.
If the "things" in this case 1btc is not ours, then once again the minerjones words are right "not your privatekey, not your coin" and all the 2FA coins do not belong to their owners but to TitanBTC free will and honest.

I made public the wallet which TitanBTC should send the 1btc so everyone from the community could see his refund.
After it, he can ask me for help with the information I have which is also transparent here in this thread.
Waiting for my bitcoin which I own and which is mine.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 07, 2019, 01:08:15 PM
I obtained that information Buying the coin.
I don't really care what the scammer (first owner) explain the stuff to clean his hands and I don't really care.
You should also double think about your security and not clean your hands with that.
As I said that kind of scam is planned scam, this cant be done instantly for a hour or day.
That kind of scam takes a plan and step by step doing it because of the creative and difficult way to do it.
1. Original owner selling the coin.
2. As old owner who have some kind of previous "proofs" to verify old dated ownership he starts the scam.
3. Old owner open thread in this forum to seek for help (first smart step for him to make it public that he have problem with the coin)
4. He creates two telegrams and chat between him self using the second telegram under fake TitanBTC name so he can provide faked "real" proofs that he were "attacked" by impersonators and can provide them as "proof" that someone took his infos and he owns only the old ones.

If you simply followed your process that would never happened.
Also feel free to open any report anywhere you wish, I have nothing to hide and I am not worried at all.
There is just a single problem, you don't own the rights to hold something that's not yours - my coin.
I am more than willing to work with you with any process soon as I receive the thing which is mine - 1btc.
After that, feel free to contact me requesting my  help.
If it doesn't break any laws in my country I will gladly provide any kind of information you wish.
Till then, once again, you have no rights to hold things that are not yours ( my coin)
Otherwise you will prove that 2FA coins holders have zero security and that kind of security breaks is possible, and your 2FA coins is not only dangerous but if someone face problem like mine in future, gods know how and why, you can force them to do things for you to receive what is their.

P.S: TitanBTC, you were truly being wronged not me. You let the scammer with out dated infos to break your 2fa security not me.
I don't have that access or right on your website.

1. I already explain about the old owner post
2. You are not allowed to obtain any coin owner infos, because coins changing hands, and you are not allowed also to require that kind of infos for anyone who wants to unload his coin. Bitcoin is about security and anonymous.
3. The old owner impersonating you to gain access to fake "conversation" between him and fake TitanBTC. This guy is not stupid believe me.
4. -
5. Coin infos were changed because the coins owner were changed.
6. I do not only claim to be the rightful owner, I can verify that with every single info required for the coin unloading/sweep based on your website, but the old owner cannot.

Not anyone, from now every single 2FA coin owner see opportunity to scam breaking your security problems, because everyone can scam by this way from now on seeing how a smart scammer already did it.

Also it is great you have employees in Ukraine, it will be interesting watching the process of how the old owner sold me the coin, used the old infos to unlock something that should require up to dated infos, seeing your own mistake, realizing it, also it will be interesting understanding the scam in depth and reading the fake conversation between the old owner and the fake telegram he used to create a fake conversation.
Activity: 1253
Merit: 1203
January 07, 2019, 05:25:55 PM
P.S: to Anduck. No matter is none of your business, your questions were answered. learn to read.

Sorry, but I don't see answers to my questions. Could you please answer again? I have a bunch of new Q's too if you don't mind. I'm trying to help you here.

1) Did you buy the physical Titan coin?
2) Was there a hologram in it? Was it intact?
3) Did you peel the hologram of the coin yourself?
4) Do you have the redeem code which is/was under the hologram?

None of your business but feel free to read ->

1) The metal coin not, the full infos about using it yes.
2) I had only the infos from it so I could take control of it and change email and password.
3) obviously no
4) I do have ALL the infos not only redeem code but coin id, coin password, coin email.

Then you've been scammed. The coin is a physical token, that's the real thing. All the infos you've received are only part of the 2FA thing. The physical coin has a redeem code in it, which is needed to redeem it. Titan's 2FA stuff is not enough..

Can you describe the process of transferring this 2FA stuff (coin id, associated email) to you?
I can be scammed only if TitanBTC allow that.
2FA coins are handled by human hand after verification they didn't do.
They didn't requested up to date coin password and email but old dated infos from the original owner who sold me the coin and scammed me and them.
I didn't received a part of 2FA thing I received FULL info about the coin. Full details for redeem request so I can verify myself as the new owner.
There is no half or part 2FA thing. I have the FULL infos and no one else. This physical coin have 2fa,coin id,coin password,coin email.
The previous owner cannot provide full up to date infos to be verified as the current owner of it because only I can.
If you want anything to be described to you, visit titanbtc website and you can see how a 2FA coin should be redeemed.
Obviously they bypass-ed their own "security" by letting someone using the coin without valid up to date infos such as coin password and email, which is not my fault.

The coin in question was overloaded with 2BTC. Not once do you talk about this. (You apparently paid him with a sack of cash for 1BTC) You have phished drbitcoinve and think you're a genius with this Scam Accusation but luckily in this case the information you didn't know was that the coin was overloaded with 2BTC. You socially engineered drbitcoinve through telegram pretending to be a representative from TitanBTC and I am sure that is how you were able to transfer ownership of the coin id and coin password to your own. You then probably manipulated him into sending the picture of the 2fa code underneath the hologram which you have showed us a picture of. Luckily for the actual owner there was previously a hold reservation on this coin due to the overloading of it.

Get the fuck off our forum you scumbag.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
January 07, 2019, 05:20:44 PM
part of email verifying me as owner of the coin were shown.

That was not the question though.

im not sure how come you saying my proofs and statements as massive walls of spam.

There is very little "proofs". You're refusing to provide more. Your statements don't mean much and they certainly don't need to be repeated ad nauseum.

I don't see also how can a members of this forum would help me ?

Then stop posting. You already got a response from Titan - go to the police.
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
January 07, 2019, 04:56:15 PM
There is crime against TitanBTC not against me so far.
If TitanBTC refuse to provide me what is mine, then it will be crime against me.
I do not avoiding questions, I provide the very valid information about the case?
I don't understand what your guys claims here are ?

teeGUMES asked you about the e-mails that initiated the trade. I asked you for the date of the trade. You're ignoring these simple questions and others, and you're continuing to spam massive walls of text for no reason that I can see. It's quite simple really - if you want anything from this forum then accept when forum members try to help you, otherwise go to the police. What other options do you see here?
Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
January 07, 2019, 04:32:12 PM
No its not like that. The only important thing from that coin is the sensitive information not the physical metal coin itself.
I didn't dodge any questions but provided everything requested.
I have full control of the coin infos which is the only thing which person needs to claim his coin.
Nothing else than all the sensitive infos matters.

If a crime occurred then every little detail matters. If you're not comfortable sharing the details on the forum then you should do what TitanBTC suggested and file a police report. It's useless to post walls of text repeating the same thing over and over while avoiding questions.
Activity: 1253
Merit: 1203
January 07, 2019, 03:30:12 PM
You dodge too many important questions for me to want to continue helping here.. im out.

Its like you bought a key for a Lamborghini, meet up with a guy and he goes.. "yea heres the key its over there in the parking garage" .. "alright man seeya later thanks for the 250k." Then you walk down into the parking garage and your key opens up a Honda Civic.
Activity: 1253
Merit: 1203
January 07, 2019, 03:18:39 PM
The original owner of this coin does not speak of selling his coin, only redemption of it. But Picho has pictures of it peeled and 2fa code showing. Why would pictures like this even exist unless scam attempt.

Edit: Can you show an email with intent to sell Picho? Without any invasive or private information showing.
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1755
January 07, 2019, 02:59:14 PM
pickachu, I just want to make sure I have this correctly.

1)  You met in person to buy a loaded Titan 1.0 btc 2fa coin.

2) You paid the seller cash in person for the Titan coin.

3)  You left that meeting without the coin.

Are the above 3 steps correct and if so, why is #3 possible?
Activity: 1253
Merit: 1203
January 07, 2019, 02:44:06 PM
But that's not something that TitanBTC require to unload your coin ?
And the previous owner do not have access to the hologram?
Thanks for your concern but your statements are not right.
Take a look at titanbtc website what is required for 2FA coin to be unloaded.
I am trying to explain from 2days that actually the old owner could provide only outdated infos and not a single actual one than the coin id and coin 2fa code.
And that's far away from enough for you to prove you are the original owner, because if that was enough, this other case won't exist -----

I could be wrong here, but I believe you need the coin id / password / whatever the code is underneath the hologram correct?
Please correct me if I am wrong, I have been trying to find this information from someone that has successfully redeemed one of these coins themselves.
You need: CoinID/CoinPass/Coin Email/Coin 2FA.

The previous owner can provide only coin id and coin 2fa, but not coin pass and coin email because he don't have access to them.
He cannot provide also up to date picture of the hologram because it was destroyed for my own security as new owner so he could not use it in future for fraud.
Sadly, that didn't help the case and he bypass the security even when he don't have all the sensitive infos.
He had 2/5 of what is required coin to be unloaded

Picho I am sorry if what you are saying is all true. As bitcoiners we need to always err on the side of caution. I myself have lost 20+ bitcoin due to scam investments and just random bullshit, BUT never once have I fallen for a peeled hologram. This is most likely going to be chalked up to a loss for you unless you can provide chat logs/plane ticket/cash withdrawal receipt to TitanBTC and even then it is tough because you don't actually have the physical coin itself. 2fa coins opened itself to this sort of social engineering scam and Titan Mint realized it and discontinued this line of coins, thank god.

If you continue down this road of being a bitcoin coin collector and have questions about whether or not something is shady there are always those of us in the Collectibles forum that can spot a potential scam a mile away, just come in and ask. Drop the hostility towards us users, we are just trying to get facts right ( some of them own their own 2fa coins and want piece of mind aswell ). Also, paying cash screwed you over here aswell, hard to track, bitcoin we could have at least been shown a txid and confirmed what may have been a sale on the blockchain.

Edit to add: As I said before, the most important piece of information is the coin 2fa code that is under the hologram itself, almost everything else can be phished/malware logged from your computer. The only solid offline portion in this whole ordeal is the 2fa code underneath the hologram and since drbitcoinve still is in possession of that, I believe this is why TitanBTC sided with him/her.

Activity: 1253
Merit: 1203
January 07, 2019, 02:21:43 PM
But that's not something that TitanBTC require to unload your coin ?
And the previous owner do not have access to the hologram?
Thanks for your concern but your statements are not right.
Take a look at titanbtc website what is required for 2FA coin to be unloaded.
I am trying to explain from 2days that actually the old owner could provide only outdated infos and not a single actual one than the coin id and coin 2fa code.
And that's far away from enough for you to prove you are the original owner, because if that was enough, this other case won't exist -----

I could be wrong here, but I believe you need the coin id / password / whatever the code is underneath the hologram correct?
Please correct me if I am wrong, I have been trying to find this information from someone that has successfully redeemed one of these coins themselves.
Activity: 1253
Merit: 1203
January 07, 2019, 01:52:00 PM
Now tell me guys from your viewpoint because we may have different one.
Lets pretend that you own 2FA coin and you are second owner.
Will you feel responsible after securing the coin that someone get in thru the TitanBTC security ?
Will someone can force you to wait, force you to hold or force you anything that prevent you from owning your funds from the coin you purchased?
Who is the guilty ? The team which didin't follow their own security ways to unload the coin no matter they were manipulated with stories and old dated "proofs" that are not longer valid ? You as holder or they as people who offer you security for your money/coins?
What fault have the second owner of the 2FA coin about they bypassing their own rules and letting previous owner with old infos to unload something that's not belong to him anymore ?

How can someone force you to co-operate in any investigation except the local police ?
Yes I will help him with information because I have nothing to hide and I am not the person who should be afraid of investigation, but that doesn't mean I should be forced or accept anything he telling me right?
As current original owner of my coin all I want is access to it and nothing more.
I want access to what is mine. If they provided someone else access to what is mine, they should refund what is mine because that's not my mistake. The scammer didn't break thru my security, he breat thru their own security.
Don't get me wrong, I am totally fine with investigation and if TitanBTC needs my help he will receive it.
But not before I own what is mine. Why ? Just because it is mine. Nothing more nothing less.

It is not a redflag to buy something that you have secured.
Something that the owner don't have access to.
A  circle metal piece don't give you any special access but only the sensitive information from i
All the sensitive information belongs to me, and no one else have access to the coin email and password.
This metal circle of metal cannot provide me more or less security than I had and than I have.
Their 2FA coins are secured not only by 2FA but also coin email and password which they strictly require for unload.
They are there for reason right?

What evidence ? Do you read that the  previous owner cannot complete the security checks to verify his up to date ownership ?
I am the only one who can.
They redeem requirement requires them, only I have them.
That's the only valid security this coin provide you except the 2FA.
I don't need police, I don't need lawyers, TitanBTC needs, he were scammed out of something which not belong to him.
He gave access to something which is not his without requesting the up to date infos.
Why you ignoring the fact that the smart scammer just bypass their security with setup no proof based story and with old infos ?
Why I should need police consider I can verify my ownership and that I own 1bitcoin ?
TitanBTC is responsible for his coin security, if there is something wrong with them, he needs to fix it not me ?
He let the scammer took the bitcoin not me ?
Why I should search anything else than the one who owns what's mine? I don't understand your viewpoint ?
There is guide how you should unload your coin ( ) and the scammer could not finish it because he don't have email and password.
Simple as that.
If someone of titanbtc let them in, how that could be my problem ?

The portions of information that you figured were yours(when you changed them) and that you figured were safe are available to be phished or stolen through malware or social engineering. The only piece that is 100% completely private and secure is what is underneath the hologram. You do not have the coin and the person who sold you the coin peeled it and had access to that vital piece of information before you.
Activity: 1511
Merit: 1072
January 07, 2019, 01:51:41 PM
Lets pretend that you own 2FA coin and you are second owner.

One of the biggest issues here is that you do not have the physical coin (which is the real tangible thing in here) even though you say you bought it (with cash....).
Activity: 1253
Merit: 1203
January 07, 2019, 01:41:04 PM

I am very sorry but this was the biggest red flag out there and you should never have went through with a sale after seeing the peel / void showing through hologram. Social engineering of scams is only going to rise in the years to come and these are things you need to see through to avoid being taken advantage of.

Your best bet now is to follow through with TitanBTC's advice and compile all the evidence you have and hopefully come to a conclusion with/without police or lawyers involved.

As for future sales/instances like this.. after seeings these pictures I would not have left the meeting without having transferred the bitcoin to a wallet that I own. The holograms don't lie. The intent to scam/steal was right there.

Don't ever trust just changing a username/password.. phishing and malware have lost a lot of people their coins aswell.
Activity: 1253
Merit: 1203
January 07, 2019, 01:10:25 PM
Pichotklasa please provide picture of physical coin with peeled hologram. Thanks.

Also deep down this feels like a scam that involves two people that know eachother and think they can exploit Titan Mint 2fa coins. (honestly i hate the idea of a 2fa coin)
sr. member
Activity: 366
Merit: 258
January 07, 2019, 01:01:35 PM
@everyone else...

We're not infallible, but the evidence in this instance points pretty overwhelmingly to the rightful owner of the coin.  Much of this evidence involves sensitive info which I am not authorized to share here, but they include verifiable transcripts and un-modified screenshots of the Social engineering activity as well as photos and videos of the coin, hologram, and redemption code.  

That evidence, combined with the timing of the communications and our IP logs indicate that Pichotklasa
1. Saw the coin owner's post here in the forum
2. Obtained the coin owner's personal info
3. Impersonated Titan employees to gain the coin owner's trust
4. Used that trust to obtain the coin's redemption info
5. Changed the coin's registration email using that information
6. Posted this thread Claiming to be the rightful owner

Ultimately, with these particular coins, Titan Mint is the arbiter of ownership.  Our system and the 2FA product itself was designed to automate that arbitration as much as possible.  It's an expensive burden but one we take very seriously.  

If anyone has issues with our determination of ownership, they are welcome to contact us at [email protected] and we will respond as soon as possible.  We'll work with all parties involved to find the best solution.
sr. member
Activity: 366
Merit: 258
January 07, 2019, 01:00:59 PM
Screenshot from the confirmation email ->

Can you verify that he link leading to legit TitanBTC website? Also please look at e-mail source as "from" field can be faked.

His confirmation email from our website is likely legitimate.  He obtained that info from the rightful coin owner usin social engineering tactics, by impersonating myself and acting as a representative of TitanBTC via emails with faked headers and a freshly created Telegram account.

@Pichotklasa, If you've truly been wronged and I have somehow made a mistake, please file a report with your local police department including all evidence of your purchase and your travel to and from Peru, as well as any communication you had with the seller prior to and after making the purchase.  

I have multiple employees in Russia, and one in Ukraine, and I will have them communicate with your local authorities to verify the police report is complete and the evidence that was provided is authenticated.

Once that police report is verified, we will consider the option that we redeemed the coin's value to the wrong party and transfer the BTC value of that coin to you once we've determined that we made an error.

If you're in agreement with this process, then please confirm here that you will be working with us (Titan Mint) directly to resolve this issue.  No further discussion will be entertained with you in this forum until you've agreed to involve law enforcement.  If you've honestly been defrauded, then reporting that theft to the police and putting them in touch with us is the next step.

Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
January 07, 2019, 12:41:33 PM
I am not here to learn you stuff, I am here to report a scam.

Your reporting isn't going well so far. If you're not a scammer then stop being an asshole to Anduck when he's trying to help you (trust me, I've been an asshole to Anduck and I know what I'm talking about LOL). It costs you nothing to answer the questions so it doesn't make sense to refuse help.
Activity: 1253
Merit: 1203
January 07, 2019, 12:28:38 PM
Screenshot from the confirmation email ->

Can you verify that he link leading to legit TitanBTC website? Also please look at e-mail source as "from" field can be faked.
I will consider that as stupid joke from someone not familiar with 2FA Titan coins...
You get that email when u change your coin email and password.
If you don't know what to say don't say anything.
I am not here to learn you stuff, I am here to report a scam.
Now please stop spamming in my thread or I will start report your posts.
Thank you.

Even if you were in fact scammed you are a complete idiot. Many of the people here are asking questions to help get to the bottom of this and figure out whether you (the supposed buyer) or the seller was the scammer. These aren't just people that frequent the Scam Accusations board, we are actually buyers of thousands of coins that are often loaded with 1BTC+. If you were able to give out enough information and it were verified true then those of us from the COLLECTIBLES community would be able to put enough pressure on TitanBTC to make things right.

Currently you're being labelled as a douchebag (look it up since English isn't your first language). None of us want to put up with your shit attitude anymore and you can now deal with TitanBTC alone, and it is apparent they have sided with the seller of the coin. Good luck in your endeavor alone.
Activity: 1511
Merit: 1072
January 06, 2019, 10:47:38 PM
Screenshot from the confirmation email ->

Can you verify that he link leading to legit TitanBTC website? Also please look at e-mail source as "from" field can be faked.
sr. member
Activity: 366
Merit: 258
January 06, 2019, 07:59:50 PM

In short, we're here to serve the interests of our coin owners. 

To that, can you update you website to show the Titan Tenths (Silver) you sold to be valid?  For example, if you look up the cuties shown in the photo below, they do not verify on the Titan website.  This is most frustrating!

I thought those coin database updates were completed months ago.  I'm terribly sorry about that!

Yes of course.  We'll have those updated on the site today.  Please do feel free to email me with issues like this as well.  I'm not available on the forums too often these days unless requested by a coin owner.
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1755
January 06, 2019, 06:54:25 PM

In short, we're here to serve the interests of our coin owners. 

To that, can you update you website to show the Titan Tenths (Silver) you sold to be valid?  For example, if you look up the cuties shown in the photo below, they do not verify on the Titan website.  This is most frustrating!

Activity: 1253
Merit: 1203
January 06, 2019, 06:33:53 PM
The previous owner cannot provide full up to date infos to be verified as the current owner of it because only I can.

How was ownership transferred?

Pinky swear from what I can tell.
Activity: 1511
Merit: 1072
January 06, 2019, 06:25:12 PM
The previous owner cannot provide full up to date infos to be verified as the current owner of it because only I can.

How was ownership transferred?
Activity: 1511
Merit: 1072
January 06, 2019, 06:18:20 PM
P.S: to Anduck. No matter is none of your business, your questions were answered. learn to read.

Sorry, but I don't see answers to my questions. Could you please answer again? I have a bunch of new Q's too if you don't mind. I'm trying to help you here.

1) Did you buy the physical Titan coin?
2) Was there a hologram in it? Was it intact?
3) Did you peel the hologram of the coin yourself?
4) Do you have the redeem code which is/was under the hologram?

None of your business but feel free to read ->

1) The metal coin not, the full infos about using it yes.
2) I had only the infos from it so I could take control of it and change email and password.
3) obviously no
4) I do have ALL the infos not only redeem code but coin id, coin password, coin email.

Then you've been scammed. The coin is a physical token, that's the real thing. All the infos you've received are only part of the 2FA thing. The physical coin has a redeem code in it, which is needed to redeem it. Titan's 2FA stuff is not enough..

Can you describe the process of transferring this 2FA stuff (coin id, associated email) to you?

Also maybe you can provide titanBTC the info you've received? Though likely all that info is fake anyway if you've been scammed..
Activity: 1511
Merit: 1072
January 06, 2019, 06:13:07 PM
P.S: to Anduck. No matter is none of your business, your questions were answered. learn to read.

Sorry, but I don't see answers to my questions. Could you please answer again? I have a bunch of new Q's too if you don't mind. I'm trying to help you here.

1) Did you buy the physical Titan coin? Received it?
2) Was there a hologram in it? Was it intact?
3) Did you peel the hologram of the coin yourself?
4) Do you have the redeem code which is/was under the hologram?
Activity: 1511
Merit: 1072
January 06, 2019, 06:04:47 PM
2. 2-Factor-Authenticated - in which user's registered ownership on Titan's website and an additional ownership is required before redemption of the coin's BTC value

What exactly is in the physical coin? Just some code that you know, but nothing cryptographically meaningful? (If so, it's not really 2FA but 1FA...)

I wonder why Pichotklasa can't answer simple questions like this: "did you peel a hologram and get the redeem code, or was it never in there". As I see it, it could very well be that the coin was sold redeemed without the buyer acknowledging that there should be a hologram in it...
sr. member
Activity: 366
Merit: 258
January 06, 2019, 05:44:12 PM
I'm like 95% confident based on language patterns and grammar that you are just a shill account for the scammer, but on the 5% chance that you're not...

We follow an extremely rigid set of rules to defeat social engineering attacks.  We have guaranteed the BTC value on our 2FA coins, and we take it very seriously.  We successfully verified the owner of the coin in question before redemption, using a number of factors.

We're also not done chasing down the details on the scammer in question.  When we're able, we report these individuals to local law enforcement.  We may have collected some identifying info on the individual in question and if it checks out, we'll be putting together a docket of evidence for attempted theft to be handed over to the relevant authorities.

In short, we're here to serve the interests of our coin owners. 
Activity: 350
Merit: 22
January 06, 2019, 05:02:57 PM

NEVER EVER trust someone else with your keys or rely on 2FA.

1 person getting scammed is bad......  A company closing/folding and being responsible for large amounts bitcoin that affects tons of customers is much worse!!!

"Not your keys, not your bitcoins" Did we learn nothing from Proof of Keys or Andreas?

Other companies that offer this:

Be aware!!!

not my business but seems like minerjones were always right.
not your private key not your coin.
if that guy drbitcoinve managed to take money from op and also sweep his coin with some old infos, that would be some new 200iq scam...
i don't know who is right and who is not, its not my business also, but if coin being resold as op is claiming, isnt the right thing for the one who help from your website coin to be used to require valid up-to-date proofs.
it doesn't matter who can verify itself with his id, that's not even allowed and i am not sure do you have legal rights to request id's but, isn't that coin is verified by 2fa and few other details?
i don't know that's why i am asking, don't get me wrong.
because if the very first original owner of coin re-sell it and then try to scam it out using old infos for that, then that's huge security whole in your system and allow original coin owners to scam any buyer.

sr. member
Activity: 366
Merit: 258
January 06, 2019, 04:38:11 PM
To Clarify this thread for everyone reading and give a bit of the back story, Pichotklasa is attempting a fishing scam and trying to claim ownership of a coin that he does not have possession of.

As a refresher, Titan Bitcoins were originally offered in 2 flavors:

1. Private key - in which the BTC private key was included underneath the hologram

2. 2-Factor-Authenticated - in which user's registered ownership on Titan's website and an additional ownership is required before redemption of the coin's BTC value

The coin in question was a 2FA coin.  We discontinued offering 2FA coins after a year or two, partly because it created an incentive for scammers like Pichotklasa to try to impersonate actual coin owners.

In this case, Pichotklasa went so far as to setup a fake telegram account to chat with the coin owner and attempt to mislead the coin owner, as well as emailing the owner directly and impersonating myself and fabricating additional Titan Mint employees.

Ultimately I was able to communicate with the actual owner and verify both their identity and that they currently owned the coin in question, and the value was redeemed as intended.  

We have humans in the loop for redeeming these 2FA coins and we are careful to ensure that BTC is never transferred to malicious bad actors like Pichotklasa.  Email is best for resolving any security questions.  [email protected].

Activity: 1511
Merit: 1072
January 06, 2019, 04:00:23 PM
Because based on the situation, he wanted to scam me for my money, and also use the value inside the coin.
Why you asking dumb obvious questions.
A scammer will always find a best way to scam.
And that's a double way of scam if he can do it.
Money from me, and if he trick somehow TitanBTC to sweep the coin without the email and password, he get double.
Which part is not easy for you to understand and why you need to understand consider you are not form TitanBTC and your understanding is useless for me ?
Yes he gaved me all the infos about the coin 2fa, I changed the password and email and secured everything except the physical bitcoin which is only a metal.
I already explained that few times.

You bought the coin knowing that the redeem code sealed by the hologram was not intact?
Activity: 1511
Merit: 1072
January 06, 2019, 03:38:31 PM
Ofc not, it was peeled because he gaved me the infos and promised me to give me the physical coin later.
But seems like you don't like to read.
TitanBTC claim only the person who have the full infos can claim the coin.
The previous owner don't have the email and password of the coin.
Also the coin appear to be funded on their website but I can't sweep it.
Waiting TitanBTC to answer

So you bought a peeled coin and tried to redeem it?

I'm trying to understand this situation, but it's not too easy.

The previous owner don't have the email and password of the coin.

Why did the previous owner peel the coin and then sell it as unredeemed?
Activity: 1511
Merit: 1072
January 06, 2019, 03:17:34 PM
There is 2FA on it, and it is registered  to my email with my password.
Consider he's the one  who sold me that coin, obviously it is the same coin.

Did you peel the coin yourself? Peeled the coin to access the unique redeem key under the hologram?
Activity: 1511
Merit: 1072
January 06, 2019, 01:16:09 PM
Did you peel the coin? Are you sure it's the same coin as drbitcoinve said he peeled?

Now reading TitanBTC sales thread again...
Is there a private key on the physical coin at all?

Just a reminder, these are available in 2 versions:

"2-factor Authenticated" (Each coin is registered to an email address, which can be changed at anytime.  Access to the email is required to redeem)


"Private Key included" (Just like Casascius coins, the only copy of the 30-digit private key is included underneath the hologram)

This sounds like there's nothing "real" attached to the physical coin when choosing the "2-factor Authenticated" option. Doesn't sound like 2fa to me if there's only a single factor... And the "redeem code" doesn't really make it 2fa, but just 1fa.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 06, 2019, 07:35:33 AM
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