I guess they realized their mistake but still don't want to admit it there is security issues with their service and now again they are trying to wash their hands.
They offered me the 1btc they own me but for something else, not as refund for what is mine....
After contacting TitanBTC thru pm about solving the issue without the noise around you will see in the pictures what were the answer.
TitanBTC did offer me 1btc but not as refund for what is mine and accepting their mistake, but if I confirm I am a scammer and everything lie and there is no hole in their security.
TitanBTC offered me to put 1btc in escrow so he could not scam me to clean their name and their security issue by saying I am scammer instead of paying me the refund for their mistake...
This itself clearly enough prove they know I am right and they are wrong.
You will ask why.
The reason is obvious.
They realized the security problem and do not want to make it more public and with me saying this is lie and scam, they can wash their hands there is no security issues and that was just a smart plan from someone and that kind of security issue do not exist.
Offering me money to shut my mouth and confirm there is no security issues.
Even the sweet talk continue with offer for a job If I confirm that were a lie
TitanBTC is also smart trying to clean his name with sweet talks but he realized my point is not to earn 1btc from them but to receive 1btc for what they own me.
I had the opportunity to have 1 bitcoin by saying I am scammer and this is not true, and there is no TitanBTC security issue but that would be a lie.
I didn't accepted that offer and want only what is mine, the 1bitcoin value inside the coin which is mine.
Even after realizing there is security issue with them, they even reject the fact that someone just pass thru their security by providing out dated information and every single new owner of 2FA coins could be scammed by the same security hole.
They saying their security as it should be... Really ? Then how someone gain access to coin without having the full verification process required from their website to unload the coin ? ( titanbtc.com/redeem ).
The person who tricked them didn't had the required security requirements for coin owner to complete them and unload it and still he did it.
Offering money to someone saying everything said so far is scam, there is no security issue and everything is lie instead of just paying what they own me ?
In matter of fact people will see that it was better idea to refund my value of the coin which is mine instead of offering me just the same money to clean their name with lies about this thread and saying it is scam and there is no security issue.
It would be better for them paying me for that cleaning their name instead of admitting their mistake and security issues for sure, but that's not how company like that should take the problems inside it.
You know why he offered me that money to clean their names, you guys are not stupid...
Use your own head.
Take a look at the pm's:
I don't know what to say more...
TitanBTC have few more hours to take the right decision and pay what's mine.
Otherwise they are scamming me and this is going thru all over internet, every single website or forum that people using bitcoins including reddit.
Sadly instead of accepting their mistake and refund me, they go so far to offer me money for saying I am scammer and there is no security issue with their coin and stuff like that...
I can't believe it.... Same as they don't want to believe the truth.
They still have change to not being a scammers and return me my bitcoin which should be to this address ---- 1KHEvjUfYkH4LoayqZQsNNFY9FH3z6BuEx