I admit that I was in the wrong, I'm terribly sorry @Astargath, this wasn't intended to happen!
It's totally on me, I got the ending post count off by one & I miss counted the denied posts, which made you not qualified for payment.
I'll get you paid ASAP.
sentI try to manage the campaign the best I can, but it looks like I need to try harder. This is my first campaign and mistakes/problems were expected, and I welcome them so I can improve myself, I acknowledge that I lag experience, and being more transparent to why I remove someone, etc...
not that I'm giving excuses, but what happened has happened, and I take responsibility. I'll do my best to prevent things like this from happening in the future, and if anyone thinks that I'm doing something wrong, please don't hesitate to point it out.
It is only 2 posts above your post:
to be honest, I didn't give much attention when I posted my reply as I copied/pasted it and closed the page!
Btw, one post is missing in spreadsheet:
There are 45 posts (16 posts with 150+ characters, I believe I counted them correctly).
You are correct! I did recount the posts and sent him
payment already.