It seems any RPC call (ATM machine... damnit) that tries while bitcoin is frozen fails (nothing to connect to)
not too sure it has anything to do with the blocks now, it freezes in between them too
I am on a quad core, PHP is up to date and Is there a 64 bit windows version?
- Sounds like some kind of race condition or lock condition maybe, possibly caused by too many things trying to access the same resource. The jsonRPCClient code doesn't seem to close it's stream neatly, but don't know if that would matter. You could try adding "fclose($fp);" inside jsonRPCClient.php, after the line "$response = json_decode($response,true);"
- More extreme version of the above: Can you edit the script to destroy the jsonRPCClient object and construct a new one each loop? Might help to totally reset any open connections.
I've pregenerated a few million keys in the keypool and its been running, when it freezes again I will try these....
there is your answer a few million keys in the keypool, is alot, i think a good number is 10,000 should be good
... I'm not sure you are following along... I generated the millions of keys to try and stop it from freezing, the keypool is back on default now but i have millions of keys, so one less thing for the client to do that could cause a freeze by locking out rpc, until i've used up the keys, but that should be a few days at least, and then i can try the suggestions from scribe and hope for the best
other things i have done that haven't worked
-Increased BdB cache to 1gb
-Increased/decreased number of connections
-A 30 second delay between RPC's