It doesn't do much for the fund owner's reputation that they are allowing this overvalued trading to happen. They should dump every share they can at above market price and use the excess funds to increase the holdings of the fund. The fact they are instead slowly leaking shares on the market at a huge inflated price makes it seem like they're taking advantage of ignorant investors to make a few bucks. I'll wait for COIN before throwing my $ down the rabbit hole. GBTC is clearly not a good investment option.
Maybe they have given themselves rules to not trade against customers in their own shop.
Sure, I can see them making rules to sell their shares at >400% markup instead of fair market price. Whatever justifies ripping people off I guess.
I think choosing to let shares float at such overinflated prices as opposed to selling more shares to bring the price back in line means that insiders are cashing out before the great fall to fair value. It also shows they lack faith in their ability to grow the fund honestly and make their $ from management fees, and instead are using the low volume and lack of able sellers to manipulate prices in order to cash out more than their shares are worth.
GBTC has turned out into some stupidity.
Whoever the current buyers are, they are among the most easily fooled people on this planet.
I would like to hear what is their justification for paying $650 for the asset that could be easily had (on the fully regulated FDIC insured US based exchange-see todays news) for $234
I would avoid this fund at all costs, and if COIN is operated in a similar manner, I would recommend avoiding that as well.
^^^^Definitely, but most likely COIN will be similar to GLD or SLV and trade at some small discount to the underlying