exactly what notlist3d said it needs a PSU with ten PCEI plugs, each plug should be a single PCEI Plug try not to share plugs for safely reason but pretty much you won't need any thing else but a network cable , either be in a country that has 240 for standard power if your in the US have a 220 30 amp line installed unless you have one all ready . try to use one PSU for the whole miner . need a ISP to run it over .
tip : if you live in the US why not buy
http://zoomhash.com/products/avalon-6-3-65-ths-shipping-from-stock-in-us Avalon 6 you don't need a 220 line and any 1300 watt psu will do fine try to make the PSU a gold standard or better, it's cheaper,then bitmains antminer s7, from the reviews the Avalon 6, may even be better. it may be 1 th less speed but it's easier to hock up the other thing you need to buy with it is a raspberry PI kit they offer one for 75 $ at order time .
just because bitmains is faster doesn't all ways mean it's better, i thought it was at one point but some of the review for the Avalon 6 either make it better or = with less issue to use it .
I'm about to buy a Avalon 6, I'm sold on it, i was going to buy a antminer S7 but i like the Avalon 6 more, i just sold off all my old miners . but in the end it's up to you, were you live for shipping and power lines etc, but i would look for or buy a antminer S5 first, just to learn on then go from there . antminer S5 resell value is not to bad right now and the antminer S7 replaced the antminer S5 , if you shop you can get one for 350 US or better you only need a 750 watt PSU, network cable and ISP and any 110 line will work if your US based try to make sure the PSU has four single PCEI plugs . or ask here a few will post links to some nice ones or even offer some sweet deals.