How about those tokens that are erc20 before but got their own native network now. Confuse if they are considered as coin now but the format of their wallet still looks erc20 of ethereum network. Perfect example of this are fantom and polygon. Since their supported wallet can be your eth wallet as well. Unlike avalanche which have own chain since their wallet start with avax-1 bla bla. But they supportrd the c chain of ethereum for expansion but they can interchanged it via their platform. So again, are these still can be called coins or tokens?
I just realized this and with this sentence I actually got dizzy with the right answer for it
But indeed their characteristics are now more calling it a coin but indeed if we look at the format of their wallet it still looks like the ethereum erc20 network it can be said to be a token.
I will find something new about this
It's true, still an additional knowledge for those that don't know it yet. But there's no issue whether you call it either way as long as you're pointing them out as an altcoin.
True, But on the other hand this knowledge must remain if they really want to be in crypto because of course learning must come from the bottom first before leading to more serious ones.