Currently, the government is also upgrading it's technological strategies of tracking casinos that are violating its policies. It might be easier to track online fiat casinos but crypto casinos will always be difficult to monitor. Since some cryptocurrencies are decentralised the government will not be able to control crypto casinos. In my country gambling is forbidden in a region while another region promotes and gains tax from it. But when the revenue from taxing these gambling companies is shared, even the region that bans gambling will accept the revenue derived from casinos
. The government will not ban corruption but they want to ban casinos. Most of all these politicians are just hypocrites and religious fanatics. The focus should be on promoting responsible gaming and not an outright gambling ban.
What we are seeing is that politicians are unable to keep up with the times, most politicians are very old and they refuse to leave even when it is obvious they cannot do their job properly, and this causes that they try to impose policies that make no sense at this time, if for example one of those politicians has a moral objection against gambling, I can respect that, but such objections should not be made into a law, because if they do, not only they will deny themselves a great deal of taxes but people will decide to gamble anyway, it is just that now they will hide their activities to avoid being prosecuted by those ridiculous laws.
Those politicians are very old but still want power and don't remember their old age. They can no longer carry out their duties well and instead have a bad influence on their subordinates so that these subordinates continue what their elders did. And that often happens when politicians use their power to get what they want. In this case, they want more money. So it's natural that we still hear rumors that politicians have their own casinos and operate underground. Many people protect their casinos so that the place can operate safely.
Political systems in many countries work in such a way that their true goals are not the welfare of citizens, but personal enrichment and ensuring the security of the system itself and the authorities that cover it. In the ranks of such political systems sit the same crooks, swindlers and subhumans who are willing to go to their heads just to hold on to power. That is why I have long since given up hope on the authorities, not only in matters of gambling and regulation of this sphere, but also in many other issues.
Well, seeing the potential of things, a lot can be said, first that many theories can be supported, what I can talk about is about the country I live in, yes, here a casino can be very successful as long as it gives the government what they want. ask, it just has to, but we also have to evaluate something very important, that in this country there are many people with too much money and who can do whatever they want with their money, in fact there are people who have so much money that they don't even know on what to spend it on, obviously if an online casino is promoted here, then it's easier, because those people will just enter, in fact many times I have proposed that because I live in a very good area where I have the ability to move between two countries, where both They are excellent for games of chance, of course the things or advertising schemes here are not like in Europe, the USA, which is digital, here a lot of promotion is handled by radio, by advertising berries, by posters in places that people frequent like the shopping centers or something like that, and the impact on new customers will be excellent because many do not know or trust the guys on the internet, because they say that they can steal them, so they do not have the culture of a forum where they can do different things, and investigate to see if you can get better information, then you come here through the old traditional advertising.
Of course I say that a casino that does well and with this advertising will make many enter, bet, because here things with the casinos are already allowed, before it was not allowed, but since things have already happened the things with the government, because obviously they give them a lot of money, because things have changed, in this order of ideas, there may be an unexplored market that has a lot of potential to be a very good customer for a traditional, digital online casino, but they have to deal with high-impact marketing to achieve satisfactory results.