Many recommend before trading, go to the platform where the negotiations will be made, and be able to make some trades with play money, usually nobody follows these tips, they just want to enter and trade and feel the adrenaline that you are in the market, sometimes by hurrying you lose money, and by something as basic as knowing how the stop loss, stop limit, stop market works well, and even for taking profits.
Adrenaline or the hypes that lead you to the market, by influenced or by anything that quickly jump in without any concrete or proper education with this venue of business. A very big mistake indeed. You are a hard earned money that can be burned in just a split of your eyes, many traders who failed doing research are the one who mostly victimized by this kind of failures.
In any business, without knowledge and the right sets of tools, it will lead you to keep losing your money. Never to think that luck may be there for you if you invest much earlier.
Focus on deeper knowledge, with the right practices and with skills that you've learned from doing your research. The chance is far better
than those who rush things up.