there are many platform but i will give what i know
Several online marketplaces allow users to buy and sell products using cryptocurrency. These marketplaces are OpenBazaar,
Guys, do you actually check those names before recommending them?
It has already been stated in this topic, open bazaar has closed down for a long time (in crypto time), almost two years ago checking it since I saw OB mentioned in another topic, and I remembered this one, I do hope the marketplace works better than their price ticker, when I saw that 23k I was like WTF? Plus LTC price, again, weird thing.
Anyhow it's clear that in terms of e-commerce it will be the usual way, you won't have a marketplace that starts with bitcoin only and grows and far more probable one that is already up and going accepting crypto on top of fiat. You simply can't gain enough traction just with crypto, merchants might be happy but customers not so much.