the article is an opinion piece wrote by a guy sponsored by lightning services(bitrefills). where he goes into restaurants malls and pharmacies advertising they accepted(past tense it was old signage they did not remove) 'strike' (lightning payments). and are told that the restaurant no longer accepts that payment
lightning (via strike) IS NOT BITCOIN
LN is a separate network
bitcoin is on the bitcoin network it never leaves the bitcoin network. whats 'paid' on the LN network is a different unit of account using a different payment relay system and units are 1000x smaller units than the bitcoin network even understands
that LN trial that started in september 2021, failed within 3 months due to complexity and liquidity issues of inability to process funds transfers
LN failed.. not bitcoin
i absolutely hate it that LN fangirls promote the dreamy hype of their silly network. yet when their network has a flaw of fails "bitcoin failed" is creamed out
LN is not bitcoin!
much like Wbtc Lbtc renbtc are not bitcoin, when subnetworks of pegged value fail its not bitcoin that failed
the linked article is a opinion piece based on a previous story by the writer
where he keeps saying he wants to pay in 'bitcoin'..
but all along he is looking for "pay with strike"(an LN system)
and its not until halfway down and by his story a few days into his visit that he finds somewhere that accepts LN for the purchase of sim cards
asking for strike and pretending your asking to pay with bitcoin is 2 completely diferent networks and units of measure
el salvador deemed strikes lightning scheme a failure in january 2022 and instead went with a CEX model for bitcoin custody accounts for citizens and merchants