The REAL limit is flat out total capasity limitations.
From what I've been seeing around the web, it doesn't look likely that there will be any more major "new cards" announced for the rest of the year - and even if any WERE announced there would be major "availability" issues for a while.
Keep in mind we're still seeing major issues with availability on all of the CURRENT new-gen cards.
For what I see there is no shortage on the nvidia side.
NVidia targeted higher-end cards at the start, which sell in smaller quantites - and I AM still seeing some shortage issues despite that and despite NVidia having had the 1080 and the 1070 on the market a fair bit longer than the RX 480 has been available.
Try finding that Gigabyte "ITX" 1070 card in stock anywhere for example - it's been VERY VERY spotty so far (and I have a specific use for 2 or 3 of them over the next week or 2).
AMD isn't so much "behind" NVidia, as they started out targeting the "mainstream" market - and have probably sold quite a few more RX 480 units than NVidia has sold on all GTX 1xxx + Titan X Pascal units COMBINED, though the total on DOLLAR sales is going to be a lot closer.
The real tale will be next year, when AMD finally releases cards INTENDED to go head-to-head against the current NVidia offerings.