Because the value of gold is based on the fact that people think it's valuable, nothing more.
And so does the value of a chair, and so does the value of a shirt, and so does the value of a car, and so does the value of a tv, and so does the value of a plain, ... Value is subjective, its Economics 101.
It has some small, declining value for use in jewelry, and miniscule value for use in industrial applications, but otherwise, the majority of it's value is based solely on the fact that people assign it that value.
No, you are terribly wrong. ALL of gold value is because people asign it that value. Just like happens with anything else. Value is subjective.
People value things because of different reasons (and the task of economics is to analize not to judge. Judging is the task of moral/politics). Some people value gold for jewlery and some other value gold for money. And the main use is money. Those are the facts. In my subjective opinion the use of gold as money is far more valuable and benefitial to humans than its use as jewlery, but that is just my subjective opinion. You can have your subjective opinion, but it should not blind you when you are analizing the world.
This is not different than any fiat currency. The value of the USD is not based on anything intrinsic, but simply on the fact that people assign it a value.
I dont want to think you are being deliberately dishonest. Fiat money is not based on faith or trust or that "people asign it a value" (and nothing has intrinsic value, value is subjective). Fiat money is imposed using force by governments. Thats the reason why people use them, its not their own voluntary decission.
Can't understand that?
What am I supposed to understand?
Think of a true SHTF situtation. You're shipwrecked on a deserted island. How valuable is your gold then? Do you think people are going to sell you their food or weapons for gold? Of course not.
You just discover value is subjective. Congratulations.
You can make anything into a currency, and Bitcoin is proof of this.
Actually no. Bitcoin was designed in a very clever way to have the characteristics that good money has, but for the internet.
You can theoretically use anything as money, but some objects make very good money while others make very bad money (with a full scale in the middle). This is why some things get selected as money (like gold) and others dont (like perishable food f.e.).
Gold makes no better of a currency than iron, rocks, ivory, toe nail clippings, etc.
Actually it does. And that is the reason why it was choosed by different cultures around the world that never knew each other. Ill let you investigate what this characteristics are.
Anything with a finite supply (which is everything) that doesn't decompose quickly can be used as a currency. People have simply gravitated to gold historically (because "oooohh shiny" back in the caveman days), and it has maintained that appeal until this day because that's how it's always been.
Which is completely fine. Being money is a important and useful role to play.