Gamblers usually are punished by the market and the market does not mind what they call themselves as.
If speculators use 10x, 20x, 50x or 100x for their trades because of whatever speculation they have in minds, they are gamblers and will be punished with market crashes, with news, with policy-related manipulations.
That is why just doing something crazy all by yourself doesn't mean a thing unless you go out there and yell at the world how your opinion and assumptions are all real facts and then when you are wrong act like nothing happened and move to the next thing, eventually one day you will be right and you will yell to the whole world about how you were right, doesn't matter if you had 10 wrong before that, you will end up being right once, then do that 5-10 times more, be wrong 100 times if you want to, you can delete the messages in the end, and when you get to 5-10 rights combine them all into one message to "prove" how awesome you are. This is how fake speculators work, I have seen a thousand of them.