CoinMarketCap, a major source of data about all traded digital currencies, has made a series of announcements to celebrate its sixth birthday today.
As such, CMC has announced a brand new alliance called the Data Accountability & Transparency Alliance (DATA) in order to provide “greater transparency, accountability, and disclosure from projects in the crypto space.”
It seems like your employer found the right way ChiNgadOr. Either he realized that It was pointless to continue with the scam or CMC started to lose serious number of visitors. Either way, this is a step in the right direction.
In return, I removed the CMC is SCAM link in my profile.
GJ. Don't stay scammy.
Really appreciate your opinion.. much more takign in mind you are ranked as Legendary, so your opinion really matters.
I can assure you that team is aware of the responsability undertaken.. We are a reference worldwide and we strive on providing the best service we can. We conduct due dilligence before listing, but conditions can change after this listing takes place. Monitoring thousands of coins and hundreds of exchanges, you can bet it is not an easy task.
Extraofficially as a perosnal opinion.. I really hate that scammers (coins and exchanges) and feel dissapointed when people take wrong decisions based on the info showed on CMC. Despite there is a clear disclaimer and sometimes we leave warning (take a look for example at BITEBTC exchange..), i feel bad for that situations when people loose money. Hope scammers get jailed for the rest of their lifes.