Back in California, I would spend weekends drifting in the mountains, flying to LA on the highway or seeing how fast we could get to Vegas and it all finally caught up with me with 2 out of the 3 allowed tickets. Both times were with passenger(s). I stopped driving for a while after that to avoid license suspension and ended up coming to Korea.
In the first 4 out of 9 years I've been here in Korea I've gotten possibly 50 speeding tickets (100% from speed cameras, and most were driving alone) and paid them all. Whenever a cop physically stopped me, it was a warning to not U-Turn or something to that nature.
As to why I don't get tickets anymore, the answer is my avatar.
Cause for discussion: Speeding is not dangerous. Airplanes do it all the time, with license. Wrecklessness and carelessness is dangerous. Why hasn't a country made a "speeding lane" or "speeding license" for better drivers yet? (Oh wait, they have, it's called a badge.)
haha yeah apparently a badge is. because every time a cop catches up with you to pull you over, they just went FASTER than you did, and caused a change in speed that wouldn't have happened, plus nervousness, and stationary cars potentially by a high speed thoroughfare and then tell you the reason you get a ticket is because it is 'unsafe'
did you ever have an accident?