Kindly stop driving on our roads... Thanks
Sure, as soon as "the people" buy my ownership stake in them. I'd settle for 95% of what I've paid for them in state income and gas taxes, inflation-adjusted. Before you scoff, this would be several hundred dollars for
this year alone. I don't mind paying for roads, but more on a local level. I'd even accept state if they only used eminent domain to LAY the roads and then sold them to private companies to maintain.
I really like the concept, I just don't see how it is possible to have competing "road companies".
Many didn't understand how there can be competing cell phone companies or ISPs, either. It's in their best interests to work together, and when one thinks there is an advantage to not doing so, they suffer lost customers because of it. It's the same reason why Network Neutrality has been violated, but not egregiously. We already packetshape bandwidth at every level from your home to the Internet, but we do so with the customer's best interests in mind already. I've never seen a Net Neutrality law that didn't also end up being bandwidth caps or a benefit for the RIAA and MPAA.