For the guy offering bounties to know who someone is, its not hard but is expensive, you have to have a reason to file a case against that person, (getting back at them for being a douche is not substantial reason, they would have to have committed a real crime, see Gleb Gamows link for a real definition of libel, defamation and interruption of business with malicious intent, those are real crimes) then hire and attorney to file a case against anonymous, which will give you a court order to summon the IP Address(s) associated with that user, all his pms in the forum, any alt accounts the forum is willing to say they recognize and know, and any other evidence needed to get the information you need. Once you get the IP address, you file another case just like before requesting the ISP for that IP to give you the users real name and location to be served with a summons to court. You will never see who it is until the case goes to court, the attorney will retain that information until the time needed to go to court and plea your case against the accused. And TOR will not save them
they think it will but it will not.
Yes its costly but you dont need bounties, you dont need nasty posts, you just need a pretty good attorney and about 5 grand is all.
Spotenik, I made no false claims on my website, StakeMiners does everything we promote, I have never broken a promise to anyone I made, I have never broken a business agreement even if I did not like what it was I agreed to after the agreement was in place. reading a post from an unreliable criminal is not real research. And the opinion of competitors and trolls is not proof of anything, its just opinion, based on nothing, Gleb is not invested, and he has never ever been scammed by me, I have never scammed anyone in crypto or real life and my past business ventures that the idiot stupidly posted the testimonials in his scam thread against me and proved I have always been honest in business and went above and beyond what needed to be done to satisfy my clients.
Gleb is a disgruntled old man who got offended when he was wrong about his claims against me, got infuriated when I used his own evidence to disprove his claims and was very angry because I would not let him troll my SMT. he then got completely infuriated when i refused to pay him his extortion attempt on me. And his nonsense has just scalated from there. He is just a 10 year old childish boy wrapped up in an old mans body.
Me saying you are a hypocrite has a lot of merit, you did the exact thing you were complaining about in here, you gave unwarranted feedback based on an
opinion from an unreliable thief, convicted criminal, scammer and liar. Wake up bro, dont try and rationalize the fact you did exactly what your OP was complaining about. That makes you a hyprocrite by definition.
But your saying i am a hypocrite has no merit.
That Kluge guy left me feedback and was harassing me first unprovoked for some odd reason.
Kinda like what you did to me huh? Ironic or hyprocrite I cant tell the difference with you anymore
I had never even talked to him or about him.. until he started sending me PM's.
We had no exchange of PMS, heck you didnt even try to have a rationale conversation, you just plastered some feedback based on a well known Bitcointalk troll, liar, scammer, thief, and convicted criminal.
He also never mentioned a crypto coin and isn't that what the point of it is ?
Some guy leaves me a neg rating ruining my trust because he doesn't like me.
Basically what you seemed to have done to me in one way or another, huh, again hypocritical or irony can tell the difference.
YOU leroy are getting it because of your Stakeminers scandal.. BIG Difference !
Hmm are you invested with Stakeminers, Have you ever personally done any business with me or StakeMiners? Have I or stakminers caused you losses in one way or another? Thats what i thought, "NO", so, how would you know this to be true, YOU DON"T!!
For all you Gleb lovers here is how a real scam accusation goes with real evidence not just my opinion. you dont need 60 pages of bullshit, you dont need to use your alt accounts to garner other trolls to come help you, you just need truthful factual posts.
Keep in mind when Gleb first started his attack, there were absolutely NO negative things about me on google, what is there now is only his shit, Google his name and see what you find, thats all I had to do to put his scam accusation together, he has spent 7 months now digging in my life praying and looking for somehting where I have scammed even just one person and has never found one instance, But I am a scammer and the scandal WHATEVER BRO GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!!! take lessons this is what a reputable real scam thread looks like, not what you want to use.
The bottom line about Bruno, is very simple, Much like the admins of Bitcointalk, everyone is scared to death he will turn his attention to them, I am not scared of you bruno, You have well disproved your own claims in that thread, just because you buried the proof with 40 pages of your own trolling to cover up the fact that i am not a scammer does not make your nonsense truth. I am not scared of you bruno and I will not pay you to stop lyhing about me. So you do whatever you have to do, but you will not get 1 satoshi from me. Unless you invest in StakeMiners and I dont catch it, then I will have to pay you your income you get until i find out its you and send your funds back and close your account
Now spotenik theres some real irony for you, I wold not even be willing to scam or steal funds form a guy like bruno even with all the shit he has put me thru. crazy aint it how dipshits like bruno pick the wrong people to attack sometimes.