I just came across another topic about how to start betting on sports, and as I was reading and researching, I came across something that suggests considering taking online courses on sports betting, aside from reading books that provide in-depth knowledge and strategies to improve betting skills. Is it true that such offers are available on the Internet? Are there any free options?
I have tried betting on sports a few times, but I know there's a lot more I need to learn and understand. Has anyone here encountered such courses or have any knowledge about them?
I know I could search for this information, but I'd like to hear your answers or opinions directly. Thank you.
Does sports betting really need an online course? As far as I know the only crucial in sports betting is the knowledge of the person on the sports, the team, and the players, . Add the information about bookmakers and their policies. I do not know how an online course would cover these details when there are lots of sports out there. It seems I am missing something so I tried to search the course outline of a sports betting course and I found this:
The sports betting course includes:
- Introduction and Welcome
- Determining Your "True" Bankroll
- Understanding the Odds
- Social Media
- Prediction Models
- Statistics
- Motivation
- The Handicap and the Handicapper
- Your Fiscal Year of Sports Betting
- The Ultimate Checklist
- The Top 10 Ways to Find a Great Bet
- 10 Tips to Succeed at Sports Investing
- 7 Ways to Build a Sports Betting Network
On my searching I found this course very interesting. It is a programming course that tells the prediction through sports data. The course outline stated
In this course the learner will be shown how to generate forecasts of game results in professional sports using Python. The main emphasis of the course is on teaching the method of logistic regression as a way of modeling game results, using data on team expenditures. The learner is taken through the process of modeling past results, and then using the model to forecast the outcome games not yet played. The course will show the learner how to evaluate the reliability of a model using data on betting odds. The analysis is applied first to the English Premier League, then the NBA and NHL. The course also provides an overview of the relationship between data analytics and gambling, its history and the social issues that arise in relation to sports betting, including the personal risks.
This course is offered by coursera.org and if you are interested you can find check this link: