To join this year's Premier League prediction pool please send 0.0025 to the following address:
https://www.blockchain.com/explorer/addresses/btc/bc1qlvslj0fljmxz6xs2taer4wqhn6hlunnkfw0an4Or scan and pay with the QR code:
Once you've paid the 0.0025 to the above address please PM me with the txid and I will send you a link to join the pool on Superbru. You can sign up to superbru here:
https://www.superbru.com/tournaments/football/premier-league/ or download their app from your app store.
The Premier League starts in a little over a month's time on the 11th of August so you have until then to pay the entry fee but please pay as soon as you can. You can sign-up to Superbru now and you can always join the pool at a later date and your scores will carry over. If you're unfamiliar with how the tournament works please see the previous thread
here, but basically we will be using the Superbru website which is free and easy to use. You input your score predictions for every game and you get 3 points for predicting the exact score, 1 for the correct winning team (or draw) and 1.5 for a close prediction. The winner will obviously be the person who gets the most points at the end of the season.
Sportsbet.io are sponsoring the pool again and have put a huge
BTC0.2 into the pot along with offering a free 3mbtc bet to every weekly winner who scores the most points that round so that's 38 chances to win a free 3mbtc bet. Big thanks to jeremypwr and Sportsbet for sorting that out. As usual, 100% of the money received will be split between the top ten placed users at the end of the season. The first place jackpot prize will be a guaranteed 0.1
BTC and then the rest of the money will be split between 2nd-10th places. If we get 50 users signing up that will be a further 0.125 in the pot so there should be over 0.3 in total. 60 users joined last season so we should be able to get at least 50+ this year. There will also be a small consolation prize of whatever is left in the pot for the person who gets the highest overall weekly round score at the end of the season so even if it becomes clear as the tournament progresses that you're unlikely to win a paid spot you still have a chance of winning something along with the weekly round free bet.
The payouts for last season were as follows and this season will be similar but of course it all depends on how many people play but it will be between 10-20 max:
1 0.1
2 0.05
3 0.04
4 0.03
5 0.02
6 0.015
7 0.014
8 0.013
9 0.012
10 0.011
11 0.01
12 0.005
13 0.005
14 0.005
15 0.005
16 0.0025
17 0.0025
18 0.0025
19 0.0025
20 0.0025
You're just writing for the sake of writing? 20 people were supposed to win, why are you
changing the rules? Well yes I know the answer,
"because I can"