This is only going to get worse for Sri Lankans. They are in need of food imports and after the government defaulted on loans, who would lend them money now? They'd quickly run out of money buying food and then what happens when that remaining money is gone too? They all gonna starve without aid.
I would say let the people rise up and depose their corrupt leaders and then help restructure after. Just blindly pumping it with aid would only result in the same experience as in Africa where no matter how much aid is sent, nothing really changes since the politicians that are the problem remain in power.
Donations and charity seems to be their best hope. They need to get hold of some celebrities who would be willing to do like concerts for them at this level, that is just an example but at the end of the day we are talking about a situation where all around the world people would need to give them enough money to help them survive.
Do you know what is the scariest and worst part? I am so sick and tired of politicians that I have zero idea about their politicians, no idea who their president is, never even wondered about it, and yet I still worry that if we could raise 50+ million dollars for example, all of that would go to helping people out, I fear some of it could be pocketed by some shady politicians. If you can avoid that, they can get better.
In hindsight my comment was kinda harsh but I'm still of the opinion that the people should be pissed off enough to replace their current politicians. As for the actual aid, maybe crypto can help with that? Send the aid directly to the people that need them rather than have it pass through the hands of the politicians.
Problem of course is that's just for sending money and there maybe not enough food in the markets to buy. There's no getting around to having to send food there. Maybe the same system that would be used to receive the crypto donations can be used to track the food packs sent so it'll be easier to account how much of it is getting to the people. Like they can scan the code on the pack with their phone when they receive it.
Maybe once their government remove the ban on fertilizers, those can then be sent there and maybe NGOs can conduct agricultural training to get their food production up.