Site escrow gibi davranıyor anladığım kadarıyla ve peer to peer token ya da stake exchange'i yaptırıyor.
1. TOKPIE lists the related bounty stakes titles, after partnering with a Startup (ICO)
2. All hunters participating in a Startup (ICO) bounty campaign receive the ability to
deposit part of the stakes immediately as they earned on TOKPIE
3. Bounty hunters & investors/traders get the ability to trade deposited stakes for ETH
or keep them until execution
4. TOKPIE converts bounty stakes to related tokens when bounty campaign is over.
The result, every stakeholder gets tokens on its account on TOKPIE.
Yani, tokpie bu icolara partner oluyor, kendisine bir reserv açılıyor. Hacmi kendisi oluşturuyor bir nevi.
Sonra elindekilerle al sat yapıyor/yaptırıyor.