An ARM controller image for your ASIC mining needs.
This is a SourceForge hosted project.
DescriptionStarMiner (also known as
*Miner) is a Linux based image design to be used for the digital currency or "crypto currency" mining purposes.
The LogicMost people in the "crypto currency" arena want to be able to "plug and play" (or "mine" in this case) an ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) device to a simple system, put in the desired mining pool targets, and have this device "just do it". This means keeping things as simple as possible.
StarMiner is designed for such purposes.
Under The HoodStarMiner includes the following Projects that are Open Source based:
ScreenshotsEveryone loves visual images for examples plus "show and tell".
These can be found on the
Summary SourceForge page.
StarMiner image (
.img; ~3.5GB in size), bzip2 (
.bz2; ~65% of the image size), and zip (
.zip; ~61% of the image size) versions of the release with MD5SUM information can be found on SourceForge under the
Files section. The file naming convention will be using the release date in the name and version, so do use the most recent accordingly.
DocumentationCurrently being made and put up on SourceForge in the
Wiki section.
Discussion and SupportWe have both forum based and support tickets via SourceForge under the project's
Discussion and
Tickets sections.
Donations and ContributionsOne can donate and/or contribute to the project in a few ways:
(US residents only) Purchase a Raspberry Pi StarMiner kit (with USB wifi or without USB wifi) from us directly. The Raspberry Pi comes from a distributor who contributes a majority of the sales back into the Raspberry Pi organization.
Note: We cannot ship Raspberry Pi StarMiner kits internationally without a cause for headaches with various customs, VAT, import/export related issues unfortunately. Believe us...we would love to send you one! (Temporarily suspended until further notice.)- Download our image from SourceForge here under Files. The run the startest command which will use a default "test" configuration to donate mining hashrate to one of our wallets. Since you are operating the miner, you may run startest for as long as you desire. This is also a simple way to test (hence, the command name startest) your ASIC miner with our image.
- Use and write a Review (preferably positive of course) on SourceForge StarMiner. If there are issues, open up a Support Ticket on SourceForge so that said issues may be addressed (prior to any Reviews preferred of course ).
- Join the Discussions and add your thoughts, comments, and feedback accordingly.
- Donate some Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and/or Vertcoin to the following addresses:
- Bitcoin: 1Ac9TYKxGEvwe4ECM84BEZTWzCn3HZhMFN
- Litecoin: LTFKFPkVw3kXdzg7JQibPd7ZFQe11brADB
- Dogecoin: DRaMFszv9bgDPUKiE6mfcM8cHxkRQ5wNXG
- Vertcoin: VpMfewgraj4QCNSFLnfErY7xnf9EUhVYuM
Do send us an email if you wish to be noted for such as well.