Thanks for all th Feedback and the Replys!
i am gonna try my best to respond frequently. i think its very hard to keep a post simple yet share your reasoning and ideas, so let me clear something up.
All these method of obtaining some few satoshis is a wast of time. The amount you receive in relation with the time spent doing those jobs is not economic wise.
thanks for your reply, i agree that especially for satoshis it takes a long time to get a transferable ammount, bitcoin is the worst coin to start with when there is no investment involved. the high transfer fees totally kill this coin for anyone who wants to use a method of this blog. the main use for this blog is to earn and use Altcoins or Less valuable coins with doable transfer fees. my alltime favourite is dogecoin as its fee is really low.
theres still alot confusion about this, and in the future i will have remoddled my blog to have more categories. i will try to clear things up in the future.
Great analysis, thanks for sharing the blog.
But let's be real --- nothing is free.
People are either spending their time or money to get paid in money, to earn something.
thats the philosophy of our economy, if it truly was free you'd have to go back to 1950 and live in russia
but realtalk, that is not what the blog tries to be. however for people that spend alot of time on the computer this is alot more comfortable than going out and delivering newspaper. besides its important to think of cryptocurrency as an experience. if it isnt for you then you should get out, and thats what the blog is good for. get a little currency to test the waters and if it works you can invest your own money.
Nice blog, but mostly is faucet, could you add some begineer knowledge cryptocoin also some news related to bitcoin and other altcoin.
One thing your blog is not clickable, all hyperlink cannot click, check the blogspot settings. If your blog not clickable useless.
Overall I like your blog, please setup about hyperlink not clickable.
i am constantly adding posts, however i dont want to spam my blog as of now as its the most unorganized site i know. and the thing with the hyperlinks is a big problem! Thanks for telling me! i will try to fix this as soon as i can!
Hey People!
i have recently been building up this blog of mine which shows you how to start earning Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin ETC) for FREE!
i show you how you can make your first 10s of $ to start investing into services.
the Blog shows you various ways and tricks on how to get the most out of your time. it has information on:
- Faucetting/Faucets
- PTC Sites to earn Cryptocurrency
- Investing into Services Like Cloudmining
- Earning Cryptocurrency in fun ways using games!
- Survey Tricks
and the best thing: there is more comming!
i constantly search for content and topics to add to the blog to show you how to get into cryptocurrency! guide, but i have some critics.
The links in your article are not clickable (In firefox atleast?). Pretty frustrating. There's also tons of grammatical errors you might want to correct.
Also, without a domain name, your article is never going to be viewed by anyone other then the people of this forum. Something you might want to think about aswell.
thanks for your reply, the links not working is a problem, i will look into fixing this in a minute. i plan on remoddling my blog soon to make it better to navigate after which i will also rewrite/correct the posts, but thanks for pointing it out
i do plan on getting a domain name however right now i am just trying to see how people react to this kind of thing.
i also noticed that these simple posts dont contain enough information and cause alot of confusion, in the future i will briefly go into the topics a bit before posting on the forum.
Thanks for all the Replies and Feedback!