You were doing business through a personal bank account. You were money transmitting without a licence or checking anything about where customer money was coming from or where it was going. Those are exceptionally dim moves.
You try to pulled off something that banks often dislike, and that is acting as a money transmitting service without the necessary license PLUS under a personal bank account which is possibly limited to just doing personal transactions. By doing so, you violated their terms and put them off in a bad position. Nevertheless, I think they'd be open for a discussion regarding what happened to your account, but the banks would and should not keep any funds gained on your account. They'd might just give it back to you and get you going with a warning, or even suggest that you open a business account instead.
*****Update 5/21: One of the local branch manager stepped in and gave me a call back. Did not go well. Said that a decision has been already made to close the account. I asked him by who and when and he just kept saying a decision has been made to close the account over and over again. I called into support and they said they don't see a decision noted on the account yet. Maybe I should wait for the original branch managers to get back from vaca?
Waiting is your best option. I don't have a very good history with managers directing my problem to someone else who doesn't know the nature of my problem. It always doesn't end well.