Thanks buysellbitcoin for supporting till i get back
Hello rock007, while I am not sure of your intentions, and this being the first and only post you have ever created, I can definitely try to address your concerns.
1. We quote our prices for both buying and selling - so you already know at what price we are selling bitcoin and at what price we would buy your bitcoin. There is nothing hidden here. It is up to you to buy if you should buy or sell at that price. We do not depend upon external or international exchanges for quoting the price. We do it based on our own set of customers, the buying and selling patterns, stock in hand and its cost price etc. There was time when we paid the highest in India when people sold us bitcoin, and there are times when people got bitcoin cheapest in India.
2. Yes you need to wait for 6 confirmations. This is informed to you before hand. 6 confirmations normally takes 1 hour on an average.
3. When you send bitcoin, depending upon how many bitcoin you are sending, it would wait for admin approval or else would automatically get approved. Presently this limit is at 5 btc in 24 hours. This approval happens in batches and happens about a dozen times per working day and about half a dozen times on the holidays. There has not been an instance where you had to wait for 2 days unless there is a technical issue - please PM me your transaction id and I can see what was the story behind it.
4. If we are talking about the extra delays we faced in last few days (since friday evening 9pm), our website has been targeted by a DDoS attack who identify themselves as DD 4BC - read about them here had caused just a few transaction to get struck and we have pushed them manually - hoping yours was not one of these. Mitigating the attack had kept us quite busy and now pretty much back to normal (except some support tickets regarding delays that still needs a reply).