
Topic: ---- Monetize Everything - page 2. (Read 19375 times)

Activity: 72
Merit: 0
November 11, 2018, 10:56:38 PM

Change and humanity go hand in hand. It is in our nature to discover, learn, improve and better ourselves. Discoveries and advancements such as fire, the wheel, health care, plumbing, electricity, the telephone and of course the internet. All of these are now accepted and well-loved advancements but when they were first introduced, they were not met with open arms, but more so with hesitation, questions and even fear. Change, in general, is a scary notion, not knowing what comes next or what is the outcome can make us feel giddy and anxious, but it does not mean we should all go running under a rock every time something new comes our way, it’s 2018 we should open our minds, listen, understand and embrace it.

Just like any introduction and to know what is it we are facing, we need a name, let me begin....
World, meet STED.
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
November 09, 2018, 10:23:26 PM
STED: refining transparency and connectivity

In the natural world order there is what we call natural selection, wherein nature picks species that are adaptable to the changes posed by its environment. And in turn, said species evolve to a better version of itself. They earn a spot in the new hierarchy of things. The rest who can’t or won’t …. well they become obsolete. Think of dinosaurs…. they were the biggest and the baddest of their era. But when something threatened their existence, and they failed to adapt, we know what happened next they became extinct.

We, mankind , time in memoriam have shown, proven and earned our place on top of the food chain and this is because we keep thinking, improving, evolving, adapting and learning from our mistakes. That’s STED….the next step for us and our society. The evolution of connectivity. We cannot do away with this because it will be like relinquishing our place as top specie or like the dinosaurs accepting their fate of extinction.

STED is showing us the way of the future. It sounds complicated for now (as all advancements are in the beginning). It’s just a matter of time before the world we know now will be too slow and too old. With STED, transparency and connectivity is forever redefined.
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
November 07, 2018, 10:30:31 PM
Usage in eHealth

In the same fashion as smart cities, fitness trackers embedded with STED inside will not only track health data, but can also send data directly and securely to personal trainers, instructors, doctors or others. Such data may then be exchanged with some reward, say from insurance company, doctor or personal trainer to provide professional advice. STED assures that payment will be made once service is provided. There will be no excuse for on-time provision and payment of services or information and most importantly, the drive to exercise to keep healthy! When it comes to health and safety, every second counts!
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
November 05, 2018, 11:41:33 PM
Usage in Smart Cities

Everybody can use SUPACT SDK to create apps involving devices, sensors, or any related IoT data, people, process or things services that is registered on the STED marketplace. With the secure and trusted smart contract and micropayment capabilities, providers and consumers alike are driven to participate in the world of IoT through STED because of the global reach and variety of registered services. Moreover, all service providers can be paid for promptly and fairly to all providers based on smart contracts associated with the provided service. Countless shared economies will evolve in smart cities just with these. Consumers can even turn provider and get rewarded, for example, any citizen who has a power meter at home can sell power consumption data to electricity company, which then further analyzes and monetize the collected data.
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
November 03, 2018, 10:27:03 PM
STED in everyday life

Current IoT solutions are based on centralized cloud for communications, which lead privacy and security issues. Most IoT chips and eSIM can now be embedded with SUPACT library (12kb) and then things can interconnect and interoperate directly with each other. Therefore, data ownership and data security are protected. With the micropayment capability of SUPACT, users can choose not to purchase things wholly but pay-per-use with a value of which may be of 3~18 decimal places! Everything can literally be at the tip of your fingertips!
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
November 02, 2018, 10:28:13 PM
So how does STED bring all of these benefits together?

STED Monetizes EVERY THING. And it is efficient, economical, easy-to-use and EVERYWHERE!

Its efficiency is marked by high volume concurrency using divide-and-conquer techniques. Through partitioning participating IoT devices into many small partitions, large amount of IoT transactions can occur simultaneously and very quickly. Next, It is also economical because transactions are mostly kept within their own partitions (as opposed to Bitcoin where a large number of global nodes are used in validating simple transactions like Bitcoin transfer, which on the average costs USD25 worth of electricity bills per transfer. And last but not least, it is easy-to-use and it is everywhere because the STED SDK has a very small footprint due to high optimization of her APIs after a decade of work in cracking the IoT P2P communications code; blockchain technologies are recently added to allow participants from anywhere in the world to connect easily and guarantee that global transactions can occur in a secure and trusted manner.

All of that is possible because of its key features like support for millions of concurrent transactions per second, even across different mainstream blockchains; a complete STED protocol stack that provides secure IoT P2P “borderless” communications through IP-less channels, trusted transactions using blockchain technologies and even credit-based transactions with built-in micropayment capabilities. STED employs a unique two-layer network architecture, to guarantee scalability and keep things spick-and-span by dividing and conquering transactions in many small partitions called shards in the lower-layer network and validating transactions as well as packaging these records in the upper-layer network. The transfer of value will be effected by smart contracts (the digital version of a physical contract that is executed when transactions occur) after a transaction is validated by a minimum number of validators in the upper-layer network through a unique consensus mechanism called Proof-of-eXchange (PoX). PoX is adapted from the mathematically sound and proven Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) consensus that is widely used in the blockchain world. PoX takes into account the actual completion of the delivery of the concerned service, which is outside of the blockchain world, to further lower the risk of malicious attacks or fraud.

Activity: 72
Merit: 0
October 30, 2018, 12:38:11 PM
IoT or the Internet of Things, how does it work?

IoT is the network of physical devices, such as vehicles, home appliances, electronics, software, sensors, actuators, which can be connected to the Internet exchange data; directly integrating the physical world into the world of computer networks, resulting in efficiency improvements, economic benefits, reduced human exertions through better monitoring and management.

To enjoy these benefits, traditionally dumb or non-internet-enabled physical devices and everyday objects can now also be indirectly connected to the Internet through intermediary gateways, such as a camera pointing to traditional electric meters to collect readings or a digital controller connected to an old-fashioned light bulb to control its brightness and on/off.

As a result, the number of IoT devices increased 31% year-over-year to 8.4 billion in the year 2017 and it is estimated that there will be these numbers will grow exponentially in the next few years.
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
October 28, 2018, 12:21:38 PM
What does Monetize mean?

Monetizing something means expressing the value of something in the form of currency. It also means generating revenue from something, such as an asset.
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
October 26, 2018, 12:14:40 PM
STED in-a-nutshell

With the creation of blockchain tech, platforms (place where a variety of its functions can be accessed) soon followed. STED came to be as one of these platforms. For most in the computing world, it’s easy to understand what’s it about, how it works and its applications in the IoT domain. But for our non-technical blockchain friends, it can be somewhat daunting as STED is focused on applying blockchain to colossal IoT market to promote shared economies. To keep it simple the following words below will give STED a face for even the most “tech-challenged “person.

“STED” literally stands for “secured and trusted exchange of data”. In essence, STED creates a real-time marketplace for trading of information, data and services, with micropayment capability. Through offering interconnectivity and interoperability, promoting scalability, and advancing efficiency so different Internet of Things ecosystems can talk to each other, a free and efficient monetization of data and service can fostered, further aided by built-in micropayment capabilities.

The team behind STED has been deploying smart city service delivery platforms for over 10 years. STED SDKs are already utilized by IoT vendors in China, Australia and the Middle East.

One of the key technologies behind STED is SUPACT, or secure unified protocol for asset channeling technology. It is a supercharged P2P (peer to peer) communications technology for IoT that is not restricted by underlying communications protocol and hides IP addresses. It can also be embedded in microcontrollers and supports customizable end-to-end encryption. Furthermore, it is high scalable in terms of capacity and concurrency, and can support over 10 billion things. Other benefits include free and easy to use SDK, AI-assisted security and speed optimisation.
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
October 24, 2018, 01:01:40 PM
STED: Simplified. . . . Elaborated

Before written work came to be information was passed on orally or by word of mouth. A simple story, from its original context, towards the end, with all the information taken out or added, might bloom that is out of proportions or different altogether. Some of which eventually becomes tradition, myth or sometimes even legend.

In today’s world, that is the thing of the past. With the creation of the internet or the world wide web as they say once “what went online stays online”. This however, still does not guarantee the integrity and authenticity of information.

Enter blockchain technology. By definition, blockchain is a type of distributed ledger technology (DLT) where by a global network of computers jointly manage (as compared to central management by most other database) and keeps the same database that records transactions. In essence, blockchains are managed by all in their networks, and not by central authorities. By allowing digital information to be securely and trustfully distributed, blockchain technology created the backbone of a new type of internet. (Originally devised for the digital currency, Bitcoin, but the tech community is now finding other potential uses for the it).
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
October 22, 2018, 01:37:03 PM
Legal Aspects

North 22 Software Foundation governs STED and the foundation is registered in Hongkong. Dedicated departments in the Foundation professionally manage various aspects of development and operation of STED full-time and with great passion.
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
October 20, 2018, 02:11:26 PM
STED: Organizational Support

Currently, STED is supported by a team of experienced and skilled technology people, advisors, partners and support staff. At the top of our organization, we have former executives of well known companies like Google, Cisco and IBM. Working with them are communications technology patent holders, smart city architects, service delivery platform providers, IT and OT leaders, veteran developers, a GPS-mapping pioneer, a member of Mensa International and experienced legal and financial advisors and a team of operational support staff.
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
October 18, 2018, 01:21:10 PM
The Role of STED and Why We Excel

STED supplies a platform for developers to join a global marketplace for trading of IoT services involving data, people, processes and things. The free and lightweight Software Development Kit (SDK) makes it very easy for both providers and consumers alike to access humogous Smart Cities and IoT markets supported by trending technologies like blockchain, artificial intelligence and big data, in a secure and trusted manner. Before the age of blockchain, the people behind STED has already been heavily involved in Smart Cities and Telco for more than ten years, amassing great experience and expertise in varying ways of rolling out and managing large scale cutting edge systems.
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
October 16, 2018, 02:35:33 PM
IoT by both providers and consumers, enabling rapid blossoming of Smart Cities and Shared Economies.

Providing for (yet) Unexpressed Needs

Embedded in that seemingly simple demand for speed are a range of related but unexpressed needs. The following are inherent elements of the system will seek to serve that demand for speed in exchanging IoT data and value:

Interconnectivity and interoperability — enabling devices to instantly connect with, communicate and collaborate with other devices and services

Security & privacy — insurance that the data and information users will put through the system will be accessible only to people who are authorized to see and use them

Payment capability — providing facilities to process various forms of payment

Scalability — flexibility and capability to evolve with the users’ business growth in terms of expanded transactions volume, complexity and size.

STED as well as its corollary technology, SUPAC Channeling have been precisely architected with those user needs in mind, making them fully capable of responding to a vast range of changes in users’ requirements.
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
October 14, 2018, 05:03:15 PM
Monetisation of Things is the Holy Grail of IoT

This is precisely what North 22 Software Foundation does, where true needs behind the expressed demands are addressed. It was determined that at the core of people’s demand for speed is actually the availability of technologies that will enable the highly efficient and safe movement of data among a potentially vast number of users. STED was born and the acroymn says it all. STED stands for Secure and Trusted Exchange of Data. Security and trustworthiness are emphasized because when people say the want speed, it is not speed at any cost. Once scalability, system security and data integrity can also be taken care of, the previously unassailable stage for monetizing every thing can be conquered. This speeds up the adoption of IoT by both providers and consumers, enabling rapid blossoming of Smart Cities and Shared Economies.
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
October 12, 2018, 12:29:19 PM
Overview of STED — Beyond Responding and Predicting

Among the most predictive technologies currently in a rapid state of development are Blockchain, IoT and Wearables and Edge Computing. One might say that many people have not yet known these technologies, let alone expect them to be available. And that is precisely what we mean that today’s technology creators do not only fulfill expectations rapidly, they predict the future trends and equip themselves to deliver when these technologies have the most impact on people. Most of these technologies may not yet be expressly demanded by people or even wanted by them. But they are all elements of the one need people have urgently expressed: the desire for speed. Speed in securing services from various companies, agencies or individuals, speed in obtaining and sending data and information, speed in making payments securely, and many other such expressed human needs. Often people express their needs and desires so simplistically that one has to look much deeper than their words in order to truly understand the full extent of what they are demanding.
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
October 11, 2018, 03:08:23 AM
Overview of STED — Technology Challenge

Bill Gates once said: Technology follows expectation. That is absolutely true! And today, people have one pressing and seemingly insatiable expectation — the expectation of speed. People want things to be done fast; in fact instantly. They want it here right now! Technology is trying very hard to cope. In fact, the world’s most forward-looking companies have made it their business, not just to fulfil expectations rapidly, but to actually predict them long before they are felt or expressed by people.
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
September 24, 2018, 09:39:28 AM
STEDAlliance wants to make a toast. I Wish that the round moon take my best blessing to you. May you have a happy family and a bright future.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
September 16, 2018, 03:19:58 AM
STED have been mentioned in CRYPTOPOTATO. Here’s the link for full review:
Activity: 72
Merit: 0
September 16, 2018, 02:55:43 AM
STED have been mentioned in MERKLE, Here’s the link for full review:
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