I been looking at it and data exist on CMC since Aug 5 2014 (24h volume $37845 USD)
Ledger Number 1 has a time stamp of 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00
Ledger Number 2 has a time stamp of 30 Sep 2015 18:46:54
Ledger Number 3 has a time stamp of 30 Sep 2015 19:15:54
Ledger Number 4 has a time stamp of 30 Sep 2015 19:15:59
It was announced on April 06, 2016, 08:57:50 PM (what some 2 and a halve years after been traded on exchanges?)
20B XLM: to be given to bitcoin and XRP holders (announcement about the details of this coming soon)
50B XLM: to be given in small increments to as many people as possible.
Things don't add up here all over the place