Steve Jobs didn't know how to code so it definitely isn't him.
THIS, it's obvious the man had nothing to do with Bitcoin. Plus Jobbs was pretty much a scumbag and wouldn't do anything to benefit society for free, those coins would have been sold and spent at the 1000$ mark from anyone within the company.
People need to realize that Jobbs really wasn't that revolutionary, if anyone was it was Steve Wozniak and Jobbs just used him.
Jobs actually died before bitcoin hit $1,000 so if he specifically sold his bitcoin when they hit $1,000 it would be pretty impressive. I don't agree that he was not a good person, as he did a lot to change the world as we know it, he essentially revolutionized how music is purchased and enabled many more people to be able to enter the music business.
I would highly doubt that Jobs created bitcoin as if he did then it would likely be the property of Apple as per likely patient agreements that are standard in employment contracts, and if apple owned bitcoin it would need to disclose it's value in it's profit and securities fillings which it has not done.