Making History With Distributed Exchange
News for the week 43.2013.
Last week we discussed the fantastic results of the 1st code contest. Through out this week a few key exciting events took place.
J.R. Willet, the person behind the Mastercoin protocol, announced the 2nd code contest which is to enable distributed exchange transactions between two currencies (BTC <-> MSC); this ambitious contest is giving away 300 BTC and will need support not just from those who will be developing the wallet and website applications but also from those who are willing to test the developed applications, so take a look and get involved. Your contributions will be rewarded.
We also saw an important decision take place with the Bitcoin code base. According to Gavin Andresen Bitcoin a pull request which allows for the association of up to 80 bytes of arbitrary data transactions will make it into Bitcoin’s 0.9 major release; this will enable Class C Mastercoin transactions (more information below).
Lastly, earlier this week the Mastercoin Foundation Board had its first meeting. Scroll down to see the minutes.