So you're starting off with a subset of a niche market (bitcoins, people who want to buy them with cash and trust some random guy to send money through the mail), but you're going even further by declaring you only want a subset of a subset of a niche? I don't know why I ever complained. This business plan is brilliant, and you're sure to have upwards of five or six customers in no time.
Newsflash: I'm not doing this to get wealthy. Bitcoin is free market money. I'm here to support that. I'm also covering my costs so I'm satisfied with that. I'm sure you're one of those ignorant morons that thinks "free market equals selfishness" but charity and activism are part of the free market.
And if you don't keep your hands off other people, get ready to feel the wrath of a completely powerless government with absolutely no ability to punish you!
Herp derp!
More like, get ready to feel the wrath of my shotgun or if I don't catch you, my private security firm will. Most people on this planet understand that theft is wrong when it comes to one-on-one interactions. It's only when they are fooled into thinking of themselves as worker ants, bees or cogs in this great machine called "society" that they abandon simple ideas such as "keep your hands to yourself". No, no, let's rob each other in order to protect ourselves from robbery!
I still can't get over that argument and how central it is to the beliefs of people like you. It's like this weird fantasy world where the businessman can do no wrong and if he does do wrong, it was totally the government's fault somehow. Every damn time. Regulations made him do it! Limited liability made him do it! That's the best one because it makes some amount of sense, but the proposed solution to that problem is an environment with no way to hold anyone with any power liable for anything.
All you have to understand is that free trades, i.e. trades where I don't say "accept or I'll kill you" are beneficial. Why? Let's say that I want to trade my watch for your sandwich. If we both accept the trade then necessarily, I must want your sandwich more than my watch, and necessarily, you must want my watch more than your sandwich, after the trade, we both end up with something we want more. Otherwise, why the fuck would either of us agree to the trade?! It's pretty damned simple. All free trades are
mutually beneficial before the trade takes place. Convince me that's incorrect and I'll submit to whatever dumbfuck collectivist ideology you support.