This is not true. When events that are taking place throughout the world are discussed society is able to hold people accountable and can influence politicians/world leaders to not continue a war if such an action is appropiate
The people hold almost no influence over governments by acknowledging their authority. They have their own agenda, one which does not seek public approval.
If you wish governments and all the problems they bring, such as war, tyranny, famine, poverty and economic slavery to end, then all we must do is stop believing in their power. Their power is an illusion. It is only through your fear of their being that allows them to hold any power over the world.
If we continue to manifest the negative events and media into society, negativity will continue to happen. If we focus on the positives happening all around the world each and every day, they will rapidly proliferate into existence even more so.
The mainstream media rarely touches the true revolutionary ideas and actions, they'd prefer to shed light on the darkness of the world to scare you into a dependence of their information and government 'protection'.
Don't dwell on the negatives, world peace is around the corner, earth is physically raising in consciousness with the universe around us. This is the best time of existence, focus on the positives, there are plenty more than negatives. We've all walked a long road, we all deserve to feel limitless amounts of peace, so don't make the the best time on earth into the worst experience of your life. The past is the past, it's gone, live for now.