C# and .NET Blockchain development platform, that will be available in both Stratis and Bitcoin versions.
We are all big believers in Bitcoin and our aim is not replace it like some of the other projects, we believe its possible to build a successful blockchain startup while also adding value to Bitcoin.
Our lead Stratis Bitcoin developer Nicolas Dorier has worked extensively in the Bitcoin development space for the past 2 years, he also had some minor contributions to Segwit and OP_CSV in Bitcoin Core. Nicolas has also assisted the Bitcoin Core devs by reviewing BIPS etc.
The 'standard' private chains will require Stratis to fuel them. However, if a large corporation had some custom requirements, they could engage Stratis Consultancy. Stratis Consultancy would work with the Stratis Foundation to provision them a custom private chain. So this requirement is not set in stone and we expect some organizations will pursue the full Stratis portfolio of services including consultancy, development and custom private chain provisioning. This sets us aside from most of the other projects, as we will be building a blockchain consultancy business to assist organizations with developing, testing and deploying blockchain technologies.
Stratis will be 100% open source! Chris and Nicolas are both advocates of open source and would not build a financial platform that was closed source.
The .NET framework from Microsoft has also been open sourced. So the full stack for the Stratis Blockchain will be open source.
Please view the case study section in the whitepaper: http://stratisplatform.com/files/Stratis_Whitepaper.pdf