Congratulations Bitcoiner909 - you are the biggest troll of all time.
I just want to say well done... no really, it's truly an honour to have you visit this thread so much lately. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
We are really lucky to have you, oh my goodness we are blessed. Can more people show their appreciation already!?!
We have the biggest, most annoying, piece of shit troll on our thread. This is a big deal guys!
I'm sorry Bitcoiner909, sometimes trolls don't get the credit they deserve. But hang in there! Don't let go of your dreams. Even though Stratis may break ATH records because of upcoming releases which would mean all the blood, sweat and tears you put into trolling this thread would kinda be of a waste of time, and probably very unfulfilling and leave you with an empty feeling at the same time... it's still not over yet. Keep fighting my man! Crypto is so unpredictable, P&Ds, trading bots, FUD! These are all things that should keep you positive. You've got this man! Stay woke! #trolllivesmatter
I'm really happy you're on your knees congratulating me but it won't make a shred of difference. STRATIS might eventually peak out at $10 but it will never amount to anything significant. Certainly never going to reach the heights of the other big coins on the market. Christopher failed people like you and now you're lashing out at people like me. Boo Hoo.
There is no blood sweat and tears. Just a few hours everyday having fun at YOUR expense. Enjoy the dwindling prices bitch. We send our regards!