I love all the emotion in this thread it's such a positive sign.
I've never met a more delusional bunch than STRATIS investors
Every criticism is apparently a sign that someone bought at $10.
Every hate comment is a positive sign because reasons.
Every time it crashes to 30% of it's value it's a 'minor dip'.
Gotta love these inbred hahahahahaha.
So can you tell us why are you unhappy with Stratis? Except the price thing.
I'm not unhappy with STRATIS. I think (and a lot of people right with me) that the team is pure cancer. Go on their Slack and watch how they deal with things. If nobody told you it was a Crypto Slack you would think it was a 12 year old convention.
The mods and members (especially the older ones) are fucking cancer. They are immature, offensive, rude, hypocritical and never reasonable about bans or final decisions.
The team itself is garbage as far as communication and marketing goes so it's a horrible investment for the long term.
And the CEO is full of shit, takes the money and goes on way too many vacations. Look at him during the interviews. He's a fuckboy.
Furthermore, there is a very bad reputation of mods and members on the Slack being favored and allowed to engage in flaming and other abusive behavior while newbies are banned for it.
Lots of autistic and mentally ill people on here who got scammed and are bitching about holding bags trying to kiss ass and defend their coin.
Anyone who says anything bad about it, legit or not, is automatically flamed on their Slack, told to sell, banned and then made fun off.
These are garbage people and they deserve to stay at the current price. I sometimes go on Slack like today and see them making fun of me and laugh my ass off, because they know every word I am saying is right and they are trying to insult me to avoid dealing with the actual issues.
- They had to close invitations because there was SO MUCH HATE directed towards them
- There are entire teams of people on Discord right now running bots ONLY on STRATIS to make the price go down. That's how little they like the people in charge of it.
- Their Slack is a JOKE. 90% of the time it's the mods trolling, banning people, and even insulting them after banning them.
This is not a professional team by any means. It's a horrible pile of shit to put your money into and if you do you deserve to lose it all.
Now wait for that bitch Atilaaaa to come and whine about all of this.