Hello i want to keep my stratis in electrum wallet and i am complete nob in understanding or using wallets ..what measures i should take to keep my coins safe there ?
Thanks in advance
If you're a noob, arguably (and there will be those who argue!) first thing you should do is use linux.
Then, ONLY use linux when dealing with you're crypto.
Most linux distros are pretty easy and intuitive to install.
Once you have a clean install of the most recent stable distro up and running, installing Electrum for Strat should be pain free.
Choose a VERY STRONG password for the wallet and make multiple copies of the seed. All copies of the seed in a file should be ENCRYPTED.
Print out multiple copies of the seed and Keep them ALL RIDICULOUSLY SAFE. Stick em in a jam jar buried in the garden / locked in a safe in you're loft safe!!
I personally go one step further and always keep the seed in two halves. You are then free to keep multiple copies in different places and even if someone discovers it, they need the other half!
I'm sure someone else can jump in and cover anything I've missed.