looks like there might have been some kind of attack against a UK politician who was pro-staying in the EU. According to the above blog, this
might sway some voters to vote to stay in the EU (although I believe this to be speculation and not based on facts).
I would speculate that the UK leaving the EU could potentially wreak havoc on the financial markets, which would potentially lead people to flock to bitcoin
To be honest, no matter how good it might potentially be for the bitcoin price, I hope the UK does not leave the EU.
It will wreck millions of lives of the voters without them even realizing it, as well as a lot of comapanies working with or in the UK.
I have long suspected (since shortly after the financial crisis) that both the EU and the Euro will not survive over the loan term. I believe that there is too much power at the "state" level and that multiple countries sharing a single currency (which also forces them to share a monitory policy, and to an extent fiscal policy) while maintaining sovereignty will not work. Just look at all the countries that have attempted to peg their currency to the US Dollar - it almost always ends in catastrophe and never ends well. The Euro forces stronger economies to bail out the weaker economies while making the economic pain of the weaker economies greater.
I think that a "brexit" will likely cause a lot of economic pain, however over the longer run, the people of the UK will likely benefit from not being part of the EU (especially considering that leaving the EU would put the UK all that much farther from adopting the Euro). I would say the same about the dissolution of the EU (at least in it's current form).
It has been fairly widely speculated that the price of bitcoin has been increasing because of the weakening of the Yaun by the Chinese Government, however it is also possible that the uncertainty behind the UK leaving the EU is partially to "blame" for the recent rise in bitcoin. I would note that the early 2013 bubble to ~$250 was caused by issues regarding Greece, and the potential for Greece leaving the EU/Euro, and was popped when major crisis was adverted, and it was determined that Greece was staying in the EU/Euro for at least the near term. I think we also know what happened a few short months later.....