It's trading in a range and it's really not a bad looking chart. The volume is kinda on the low side but nothing really bad. It's actually a decent coin to watch out for. Hopefully the volatility goes down a bit. Traders have been doing mini pump and dumps, that's why.
Curious to see your answers =P
Nexus actually broke out. How could I have missed this? If I was trading this I would probably get in at .0004 BTC and add more at .0005 BTC or so and then follow that trend with a trailing stop.
Stratis is not looking good right now. Just stay away from it. The volatility is kinda going down tho and if it starts going flat it's time to wait for it move up.
Game is exactly the same as Stratis.
APX, I would avoid due to very low volume.
Sorry but I won't bother looking at Atlant, Sal and Wagerr.
Zencash faked out, but could look good in the future. It's a wait and see for me.
Navcoin broke out, made a parabolic rise, players dumped and now it's in Nowhere Land. Avoid.
That's it for today guys. Will do this again tomorrow.