There were numerous concerns regarding the Indian board last year right after Benson was removed from the position of moderator. The removal of moderator has been seen favorable for spammers, shitposters, translation abusers and malicious link spammers to ruin the board completely over the year. But every one of the like minded people joined forces against them and drove them completely from the board. This is why the board is better to read today. I am still under the concrete idea that we don't need a moderator as majority of the posts being reported are either moved to correct
sub-boards or being trashed based on the importance of posts. The board is far from being very active considering the recent ban activities undertaken by the Indian government. Apart from that, there is still good discussion on legalities and taxation taking place from time to time and we, the
reporters are controlling the board from being ruined again.
There does seem to be one
merit source lurking in the dark, but we need an additional merit source to bring more interest in the poster's mind to contribute positively to the board. A merit source can also help other posters to rank up if they try to contribute positively. I am still depending on my earned smerits and the maximum I can giveaway is just a mere 1-2 for very good posts in the local section. Few posts present there deserves more merits but we are depending on global merit sources to merit them which isn't happening.
Here are my thoughts regarding your reshaping/merging of certain sub-boards to main boards :
1. The pinned topics serve no interest or knowledge to new-comers and they are certainly out-dated with the recent legalization all over the country. Topics like
2. Though the mining section is literally inactive from July, we could be having a section instead of posting all the mining stuffs in main board. If the case regarding legalization ends with positive note, we would be seeing more and more Indian miners coming into practice. At that point of time, the sub-board would really be helpful.
3. Marketplace (India) serves its purpose of a separate board. If we were to merge Marketplace with main board, it would be a huge clutter and certainly might be very difficult for traders to keep up with the topics. AFAIK, the marketplace section is quite active considering the Mining section and having a separate board is justified.
4. All the threads present in the Regional Language board are justified and it is good to see people contributing to the section on a better scale. If the Regional Languages were to be reported/moderated heavily we wouldn't be seeing any good thread being posted there. Some of the good posts from the section comes from the Regional Language board and they shouldn't be heavily reported upon.
5. The Press & News from India section could be merged upon to the main Indian board.
This statement is completely false and must never be done so. For over many years, Altcoins sections from
various active local boards have been serving its purpose to host Announcements in their own Regional Languages. For instance, if you consider the
Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia),
Aльтepнaтивныe кpиптoвaлюты and
Altcoins (Français) the native Altcoin boards from various local sections has Announcements in them. The Altcoins (India) is a must have board considering people are still making translations for coin announcements in Hindi.
7. Off-Topic (India) could be merged onto to main Off-Topic board but to the contrary why should we change these boards right now? If posting every topic related to India in main Indian board, it would make them an absolute trash and we wouldn't be able to read any other topics present in them actually.
Then the language of the Local Board should be local which means that the language of the Indian Local Board should be Hindi. But The Indian local board is running in english language. If the language is English in local board then why would people come to post on the local board? They get everything in English everywhere. So I think language of local boards should be local so that people feel free to post anything in own native language.
Note that India is a
diversified country in terms of languages and traditions. We have a huge set of languages to be followed and to keep everything organized and connected we would be following English. There are 2 languages to be followed nation wide and English being one among them. The universities and high schools run with English, so anyone with basic study would be following both their regional language and also English. Apart from that, in order to connect with more people from various states we would be speaking English. Hence, the main section of India should be in English to connect with large audience.