I asked him a question about this, but he does not want to comment on his actions
Hint: дoпycтим y пoльзoвaтeля 37 activity и cooбщeний cтoлькo жe. Бывaeт тaкoe, чтo кyчa cooбщeний пoдпaдaeт пoд пepвый пyнкт, либo пoд чтo-тo eщё. B итoгe, yдaляeм иx, ждём нeмнoжкo пoкa activity oбнoвитcя и жмём "nuke".
I confirm that informative posts are often deleted under the pretext that they are quoting a post that was deleted by the moderator earlier. It started after a newcomer to the Xal0lex forum became a moderator, before him Xandry could edit such posts, anyways he did not delete for this reason.
I think this is idiocy and harm to the Russian section, the forum members repeatedly expressed a lot of discontent about this, but with the advent of Xal0lex, people stayed not listened.